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snipersock 11-08-2003 01:20 AM

Looking for linux-friendly wireless keyboard/mouse
I've been using linux as my main os for a while now and am now comfortable enough to have gone solo with it. Its a great feeling. I'm looking to see if anyone has had success with any specific wireless keyboards and mice. Or if anyone has purchased anything mainstream (from best-buy or whatnot) and gotten it to work through some config tweaking. Any ideas are welcome
~ Nick <>

Nimoy 11-08-2003 02:35 AM

Do not go with Logitech - Here is an excerpt from their response on Linux support::

Thank you for your enquiry.

Sorry but Logitech does not support Linux and I know of no plans to do so
any time soon. There are many third-party drivers and software applications
for our products, depending on your distribution of Linux you should be
able to find something online to solve these issues, however we can not
guarantee this or help you should they not work.

Kind regards,
xxxxx xxxxxxx (Censored for privacy reasons)
Logitech Europe SA technical support

However I would like to recommend everyone to write a FRIENDLY letter to Logitec and ask them for Linux support - The more people who do it the more Logitec will realize that they are missing out on millions of potential customers...

DrugstoreCowboy 12-02-2003 11:10 AM

My query for such a driver landed me here & although I have not checked the Logitech site, I will do so.
If I can't find one there I will send a similar email to Logitech explaining the circumstances; personally I'm a developer & could produce such a driver but the question here is what should motivate me to do such a thing if Logitech treats me the same way they treated you?
I suppose I would do such a thing in vein of logitech so that Linux users could overcome an obstacle that was supposed to frustrate the beginner from migrating, as this is what is has done to me.
I guess the reality here is they are most likely just the advocate of a bigger demon, as I see no reason why any company would sell only to 1 race of computer consumer. Ironically I just talked two people recently into spending more money on a logitech combo than a competitor brand, as they trust a person like me a lot more than a salesman since I installed their systems; it proves I know what I'm talking about.
As of right now I'm disappointed to have this keyboard because it's preventing me from installing a superior Operating System.

I'm sure that was just 1 bad experience and perhaps the US division of Logitech is more concerned with repeat business; they should if they are in this for the long run.

I'll post my experience as an FYI


About to throw this piece of S&IT out the window

Nimoy 12-02-2003 11:47 AM

Do keep us informed on your progress and I appreciate you mailing them as well.

To everyone else who might land here I can only repeat my request for a friendly letter to Logitech ... and I MEAN FRIENDLY as in F-R-I-E-N-D-L-Y :) !!!! asking them for Linux support politely.

ccrider 12-09-2003 10:24 AM

Just installed Red Hat 9 with a Logitech Cordless Access Duo in a dual-boot configuration with Windows ME (using the GRUB boot loader). Only problem so far is that the receiver is DISABLED until AFTER the boot loader selects the OS, so I can't use the keyboard to select between Linux and WinME. Thankfully, Linux is the default :-)

Any ideas on how to prevent the receiver from being disabled? (It's enabled during the BIOS boot.)


Pcghost 12-09-2003 12:42 PM

That is strange. I use a Logitech wireless keyboard and trackball (same reciever) and they have worked flawlessly with Red Hat 8&9, Mandrake 9, and SuSE 9.0. I wonder are you using a ps2 adapter for the keyboard plug or going with the USB connector?

Madrigar 12-09-2003 12:59 PM

I had a Microsoft Bluetooth Wireless, and before I loaded SuSE 9.0 I went to Best Buy and Bought the Logitec Wireless MX setup to replace the Microsoft (I didn't bother to check on Bluetooth, because I know the Microsoft one had SPECIAL MS only drivers, etc for USB connection to their transceiver).

Reason I picked the Logitec - the receiver base connects to standard PS2 keyboard and mouse ports (have an option for USB, but can do both PS2). This allows me to get into BIOS, use Boot Manager (GRUB), and whatever else I need, and it is FAST (as good as corded from what I have seen). I selected standard wheeled mouse and 104 key keyboard in SuSE and the scroll wheel and everything works fine. Only thing not working without a specific driver is the volume control, etc on the keyboard and the forward and back buttons on the side of the mouse. The receiver itself looks like a keyboard and mouse to the PC.

It also helps that I have a silver Aluminum case, black Samsung 191T flat panel, and the keyboard and mouse are both silver/black :) Looks sweet to boot!

ccrider 12-09-2003 01:56 PM

Boot loader problem with Logitech wireless
I've got the receiver connected to a USB port since the PS2 port got fried and no longer works. (Before anyone asks ... the wireless setup came AFTER the port got fried.)

Could it be that GRUB doesn't support a keyboard on the USB port, whether wireless or not? Or could disabling the PS2 port (assuming I can) cause GRUB to look elsewhere for a keyboard?


Madrigar 12-09-2003 02:10 PM

Does your BIOS have Legacy USB support turned on (for USB mouse/keyboard)? That is designed to allow a USB keyboard to be used before an OS loads USB drivers. However, I have heard sometimes it could cause some problems in Linux, but forgot the details (not common though?).

buservt 10-13-2006 02:21 AM

How do you now it's enabled during bios post?

Originally Posted by ccrider
Just installed Red Hat 9 with a Logitech Cordless Access Duo in a dual-boot configuration with Windows ME (using the GRUB boot loader). Only problem so far is that the receiver is DISABLED until AFTER the boot loader selects the OS, so I can't use the keyboard to select between Linux and WinME. Thankfully, Linux is the default :-)

Any ideas on how to prevent the receiver from being disabled? (It's enabled during the BIOS boot.)


First of all you should never use WinME for ANYTHING EVER. It's probably the worst most useless operating system you could ever find. Secondly unless your motherboard is new enough to support usb mice/keyboards it won't work. Look in the bios settings to see if it supports them. Personally I have 2 keyboards plugged into all 3 of my machines, the wireless ones I use primarily and the others are just plugged into the ps2 port and stowed away behind the machines. It's fine to have 2 plugged in, it wont hurt anything and you can get a cheapo for like 10 bucks.

NightSky 05-16-2007 03:44 PM

Logitech wireless
Just have been trying to get Logitech S530 to work on windows and have slackware on dual boot. As u may know this is a mac model and of course many of short cut keys do not work in windows. USA Logitech does not provide windows or linux drivers for this model. I posted on logitech's support site, citing that all os friendly manufacturing could only increase their market share and I would buy stock if they made such an announcement, as well as, happy to accept employment in their public relations department. lolol
But when I tried to boot into slackware keyboard and mouse are in active. So I will plug in my ole ps2 goto bios and slackware setup to reconfigure for usb support. Thanks for that info here. Will let you know how it works.

Nimoy 05-17-2007 01:19 AM


Originally Posted by NightSky
I posted on logitech's support site, citing that all os friendly manufacturing could only increase their market share and I would buy stock if they made such an announcement, as well as, happy to accept employment in their public relations department. lolol

Very nice to hear - And to all you others - Keep up the writing... And remember keep it polite, and let them know about the opportunities they are missiong out on...

bigrigdriver 05-17-2007 03:20 AM

My experience with wireless keyboard/mouse goes like this:

If it's plugged into USB, you will have to wait until the boot process has proceeded far enough to enable USB. Until then, no go.

If it's plugged into the PS/2 port, it works from the start, just as a corded keyboard/mouse.

Don't try the inexpensive models. Cheap price may also mean cheap quality. You get what you pay for. If you pay for cheap; you will get cheap quality which will fail soon after purchase.

I won't name names (as in brand names). I'm back to mouse with a tail (e.g. corded mouse). And the keyboard is starting to have difficulties. Before long, I'll be back to a corded keyboard.

Having it plugged into the USB port means waiting for the boot process to proceed to the point that USB is enabled. PS/2 is working much sooner.

Could be ignorance on part. If so, I'll stick with what I know until I learn more.

JerryP 05-20-2007 07:56 PM

I use wireless PS/2 keyboards and mice with a Belkin KVM. All I have tried seem to work OK but I am looking for one that works GREAT not just OK. I have searched far too much to not having found a specific recommended item. It seems that no manufacturer has really come up with a truly Linux compatible, wireless PS/2 keyboard/mouse combo.

vladlx 05-30-2007 08:34 AM

Cordless kbd + mouse
I have the following conundrum re cordless kbd:

Want to install SuSe 10.2 from CDs. Put CD 1 in the drive, turn the machine on. Boot process starts, it says press F2 for setup, F12 for boot sequence. I press F12 on my wireless kbd. It works. I get to choose the boot sequence. Scroll down, choose CDROM - keyboard works.
So, the USB is working, all right?
Now SuSe CD starts, displays menu:

1 start from HD
2. install SuSe


Now the keyboard DOES NOT work! I can't scroll.

Any suggestion? Kbd.+ mouse are Logitech S510. Computer DELL Dim E520N.

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