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Ikik 01-16-2004 11:01 PM

Postfix able to send but not receive mail :( !!
Hi ,

i am trying to set up a mail server for the company i work for , however i ain't expert in linux :(

been trying to set the mail up for days and so far only manage to send mail but no success in receiving any :(

the MTA i am using is postfix , whereas for the POP , IMAP or SMTP , i don really understand but using chkconfig to check it seems like the POP3S, IMAPS are on , as for SMTP dunno about it but i heard it comes with POSTFIX .

the distro i am using is REDHAT 9.

here is the from postconf -n :


alias_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/aliases
command_directory = /usr/sbin
config_directory = /etc/postfix
daemon_directory = /usr/libexec/postfix
debug_peer_level = 2
default_destination_concurrency_limit = 10
default_privs = nobody
inet_interfaces = all
local_destination_concurrency_limit = 2
mail_owner = postfix
mail_spool_directory = /var/spool/mail
mailbox_command = /usr/bin/procmail -a $DOMAIN -d $LOGNAME
mydestination = $myhostname, localhost.$mydomain $mydomain
mydomain =
myhostname =
mynetworks =,,
myorigin = $mydomain
queue_directory = /var/spool/postfix
smtpd_banner = $myhostname ESMTP $mail_name

the mail that i managed to send out are originated as from but when i reply to it, the yahoo(which i tested on) mailer daemon returns failure :(

however if i omited the mailserver out so only left , the mailer daemon did not return any error message but the user also did not receive any mail :(

any help on this would be really appreciated :) by the way how do we create a mail address for a user? are they automatically created when we add the user to the server?


ezra143 01-17-2004 04:58 AM

Ok, yes, your mail users should be automatically added when they are added to the system.

try telnetting into it see if you get a response. Try it first on local host, then from the web to be sure it is not an issue with iptables blocking your port 25, or a firewall blocking port 25.

Flibble 01-18-2004 10:07 AM

I assume you have set up your MX records correctly in DNS?

Ikik 01-18-2004 08:34 PM

ezra143, thanks for your reply

i 've tried to telnet to localhost 25 from the terminal and it responsed, but when i tried it on the browser http://localhost:25 , it gave me some reply about the port has been disabled for security reason.

please correct me if i am wrong :)

i then set the port 25 to be opened in the firewall using

'iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 25 -j ACCEPT'

after that i can receive mail from the outside(from but will this post a security threat since i have heard that port 25 is not a safe port? are there any other ports to replace this one? please enlight me on these :)

Flibble , thanks for your reply :)

i think i might have set my MX record correctly , anyway is there any way for me to check it ?
maybe from certain files?


ezra143 01-18-2004 09:22 PM

ok, if you can telnet into your machine on port 25 then you have got a working MTA (so to speak) you shouldn't be able to see anythig from your browser, as there is nothing to see.

you DNS records are set when you register your domain name (you site name) and are typically done with a domain registrar. Ie: or

ok, what does your alias settings look like?

Ikik 01-18-2004 09:58 PM

err?? which alias setting you meant , ezra143?

was it the /etc/postfix/aliases file?

sorry if i did not get what you mean :(

ezra143 01-18-2004 10:02 PM

probably, I am not familiar with postfix... It should list all the names you machine will be known by. IE:,,

Ikik 01-19-2004 12:36 AM

err cannot find the files you mention except the one in which i have posted at the start of this thread :(

by the way i just found out that i can only send and receive mail using pine,

i tried to configure evolutions with setting : receiving mail ( and sending mail ( but it did not work , maybe i misconfigured evolutions or the postfix files. any hints on these please thanks :)

nb: my is posted at the start of this thread :)


ezra143 01-19-2004 12:39 AM

Flibble 01-19-2004 12:46 AM

host -t MX

DavidPhillips 01-28-2004 07:40 PM

mydestination = $myhostname, localhost.$mydomain $mydomain

there's no here so it won't accept mail to that address.

Only what's listed as mydestination will be sent to local mailboxes, all else will be relayed if it's allowed.

check your log files

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