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stardotstar 05-11-2006 06:22 AM

Pls help with Programmers toolkit gFTP & jEdit & gVim
Hi Guys,

Quickly to set the context: I am getting pretty comfortable in Vi for work in terminals - configs and what not. However I work with a fair bit of php code and cut all my teeth in Windows with Edit2+ in which I was very comfortable and got to the point where it was not likely to be causing me to make silly mistakes.

Now that I am working purely in Gentoo (having finally let go of a windows dual boot) I have begun to look at how I can do my php/web work without FlashFXP and Edit2+ - this is proving to be quite hard. I do have a VM with those tools on it but I would much rather do the hard yards now and become totally at home in Gentoo for all my needs - so...

I set about getting gFTP to launch Vi as its default editor - I had to emerge gVim and launch it with --nofork - all well - the files come down and edit sweet then upload just fine. However I often work from two or three versions of a file and am used to switching from one window (buffer) to another and doing a lot of cut and paste. I am finding this too intimidating with Vim (perhaps one day I will get there) and tried to get jEdit to launch as the default editor but I can't.

Can I get some advice and some technical help after telling that story?

First, does anyone have any recommendations? (Should I just go the whole 9 and really learn how to do it in Vi - this will seriously hamper my productivity for some time I suspect - but is the ideal end state in my opinion; or should I be looking at a different approach/suite of tools?)

Second, how does one get jEdit to launch with gFTP I can't get the help for jEdit to work (html and java errors that I havn't had time to troubleshoot) if someone uses this combination I would be delighted to hear from them.

Thanks all and sorry for the long story but I really need to make this breakthrough sooner rather than later.


cs-cam 05-12-2006 06:03 PM

Firstly, try Scite. It's extremely customisable, outrageously lightweight and easy enough for GUI lovers to embrace ;)

Secondly, if you find yourself with some free time, use it to learn your way around Vim. With Vim 7 it supports so much cool stuff it's insane from a CLI text editor and I found my productivity increased with all the keybboard shortcuts, who needs a mouse? ;)

stardotstar 05-13-2006 06:11 AM


Originally Posted by cs-cam
Firstly, try Scite. It's extremely customisable, outrageously lightweight and easy enough for GUI lovers to embrace ;)

Secondly, if you find yourself with some free time, use it to learn your way around Vim. With Vim 7 it supports so much cool stuff it's insane from a CLI text editor and I found my productivity increased with all the keybboard shortcuts, who needs a mouse? ;)

Fantastic, thanks for that - I just dived in and started using gvim - pretty clumsily but it is working for me so far...

I will check out Scite :)


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