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Siljrath 12-24-2005 10:33 AM

migrate from suse, what should i migrate to? any suggestions?:twocents:
this could be a bad case of a poor workman blames his tools, but, i think i'm justified in saying, suse sucks and is going downhill to a suckier presence and existance. i've been with it since version 9.0 and it was at its peak perhaps around 9.1 or before, mainly because there seems to be less software in the 9.3 pro (dl) version & 9.2 pro (bought). or did i miss something? blender? wasnt blender part of suse distro?

what should i migrate to? any suggestions? :twocents:

suse 10??

i think that's what was on the other computer before it blew up.

been looking into Slax, and once i get more cdr, i'm making a few of those wallet size kill bills and a few customized ones with all the graphics apps, creative apps and sound apps i need to live a free artists life.

now if i could just get enough solar pannels, maybe a heat exchanger, ... hmmm i think i might just survive... for whiles. ;)~0O&#

linmix 12-24-2005 04:07 PM

What are you looking for in a distro?
I would happily recommend the distro I use (Fedora Core 4 !!!), but what are your needs?

Komakino 12-24-2005 04:11 PM

Once you slack, you never look back :)

BittaBrotha 12-24-2005 08:59 PM

Depends on what type of distro you're looking to use. - based on slackware - based on Debian - a source based distro.

treecat 12-26-2005 01:14 PM

We can recommend our favorite distributions, but they may - or may not - fill your needs.

Recently I've found enough differences between SuSE 10 (purchased and downloaded), earlier versions of SuSE, and Ubuntu (Debian-based), to seriously consider leaving SuSE.

I have tried several versions of Fedora Core, although I've not yet tested 4.x.

At present, and in terms of absolute ease of installation I prefer Ubuntu (GNOME desktop) and KUbuntu (KDE desktop).

One might be hard-pressed to find an easier method of software installation or system updates / upgrades than that provided through the 'apt' package-management system.

I'm not afraid of tackling source-based installation of software, but my first goal and concern is to have (or provide) a stable, working, and useful system.

Source-based installs have come in handy when no other option worked or was available.
However, they are not for everyone.

SuSE 10, though I like its speed on the target machine, seems to have some very odd 'features'. As an example: I was not able to add a second LPR / LPD queue through YaST, although the operation could be performed through WebMin.

In one instance, at least, a test between SuSE 10 and Ubuntu 5.10 on a spare Dell something-or-other at work had Ubuntu correctly using the inbuilt video at 1024 x 768; SuSE recognized the video chipset but would drive it to only 800 x 600.

As best I could determine each distribution had the same build and release of Xorg.

If you need to run Windows-based applications under Linux you'll find that some distributions are more tolerant than others of products such as Crossover Office, although the C/O folks do a wonderful job overall.

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