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domino1241 07-04-2006 08:42 PM

How to share between Outlook Calendar and a Linux calendar program
I am dual booting Windows XP and Ubuntu. I've been using both Linux and Windows for different things for about three years now, but now that I no longer play video games I don't really see what I need Windows for. In order to finalize my decision to use Linux for everything day to day, I would like to be able to share two things between my operating systems, so they're easily available no matter what I'm running. The two things are Gaim logs and Outlook Calendar. Gaim logs are for another post (I'm running NTFS on Windows and can't write to Linux from Windows... how do I share!!??), but my concern now is Outlook Calendar. Obviously I need to be able to have one calendar database/memory file, or else I'll double schedule or forget things. Currently I have my entire summer planned in Outlook, but and don't want to WRITE everything down and copy it to something in Linux. Also, I have to use Windows for printing (damn Lexmark Z816) and if I'm going to reboot whenever I print, I'm going to want easy access to my updated calendar in Windows.

My question is short: is there a way to get a calander to synchronize between Linux and Windows, the way I can open/save my Excel spreadsheet (where I keep my finance records) to a .xls file?

I hope I've been clear. Please let me know if you can help.

Thanks Linux Community!

jpk 07-05-2006 04:53 AM


Firstly, you should consider to create a disk partition where both OS'es are able to write data to. NTFS has at the moment only read access in Linux. So, make a shared fat partition or install ext2-driver for Windows. Hereby you can share GAIM data.

Secondly, I don't think it is possible to share pst-files on-the-fly. You can migrate you data from linux to win or back, but it's not real sharing, right? You will need to export and convert data every time you change something. You can read more here

My advice to you is to use a calendar program, which is available for multiplatforms. For instance Mozilla Sunbird. Then you can store profiles on the shared partition and open them from any OS.

Good luck!

domino1241 07-09-2006 09:13 PM


That was exactly the information I needed. And I am aware that Linux can't currently write to NTFS, but I do have files larger than 4 gigabytes that I need, and can't store them on FAT partitions. However, you did just give me the great idea of making a smaller, 512MB FAT32 partition to use as a cross platform sharing partition, and I can install both Gaim and a cross platform calendar program there. I am going to try this, but if you think of something better, let me know. Thanks again!

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