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dudeman41465 09-22-2006 12:32 AM

World of Warcraft in Wine Success
Ok, I made a topic on this a long time ago and hadn't yet gotten it working, but now that I have I've written a walkthrough explaining it for those of you who want to know, here's a copy.

I've been playing WoW for about a month now, and in that time I've been working on getting it to run properly in Linux. I know that Blizzard doesn't officially support Linux, but I thought I'd post this for those of you who use Linux and want to be able to play WoW when you're in Linux. I've read topic upon topic of people not being able to get it to work, and after finding the official support on the wine website and combining it with information from a few other sites, I managed to get mine to work. I'm going to use this post on the subject to explain exactly how I went about doing it. Keep in mind that none of the issues I've read about are present after following this procedure. The mini-map works fine under all conditions, no flickering, no skewed buildings or anything.

I will try to make this walkthrough as Linux-noob-friendly as possible. This walkthrough is assuming you have all of the dependencies installed(gcc etc.), because most linux distributions do by default. If you run into a dependency error, you can see the full version of this walkthrough that I used myself on the Wine WoW database to find out what you are missing.

Ok, first off I think my relevent system information is necessary:
OS: Fedora Core 5 Linux
Kernel: 2.6.17-1.2174_FC5 i686
Video Card: 256 MB NVidia GeForce FX 5500
Wine Version: 0.9.21
Processor: 2.2 Ghz Intel Celeron

Preparing for Wine
For those of you who do not know, Wine is a Windows compatability layer, designed to help Linux users run Windows only programs on *nix systems, and newer versions of it has implemented better and better support for DirectX9.
Ok, first off, open your package manager, remove all of the wine packages you have installed, and then go into your /home directory and remove the ".wine" folder. It's hidden, so if you don't see it right away you may want to either type it directly or tell your file browser to show hidden files. The reason you do not install wine via your package manager is because there are patches that need to be applied before wine is compiled. Next, you need to download the source code for wine. This walkthrough will assume you are using the same version as me, 0.9.21(the latest when this was written), and may not work if you use a different version.

Click here to download wine version 0.9.21

Download the .tar.bz2 file to a directory, preferably your home directory or a subdirectory of it. Then open your command line and run these commands:

cd directoryofarchivehere
This puts your command line in the folder with the archive.

tar xvfj nameofarchivehere
This extracts the contents of the archive, and should create a new folder called "wine-0.9.21 or something. This is the wine source code. With that same command line still open just cd into that folder with:

cd foldernamehere
Patching the Wine SourceCode
Now, if you are running an NVidia video card, you need to download this file into your new wine folder. If you are running an ATi card, you need to download this file into that wine folder. Now, depending on which type of video card you have, you need to run one of the following commands(also in the same terminal window that is still cd'd into the wine source code folder).
NVidia Cards

patch -p1 < wine-wow-0.9.21.diff
ATi Cards

patch -p0 < x11drv_fbconfig_fix-0001.bin
Compiling Wine
Still in the same command line window that is cd'd into the wine sourcecode folder, run this command:

Do not bother it, even if it appears it has stalled, when it is finished it will return you to a command prompt. At this point, it would be wise to look over the last couple lines of output and see if you have any dependency errors. If there is an error regarding "FontForge" ignore it, I will tell you how to solve this issue in a minute. If you have a dependency error, you should be able to use your package manager to install the necessary software to continue. When you have done so, just re-run the "./configure" command.
When the configure process is complete and you are returned to a command prompt, you need to run:

make depend
When this is complete you will also be given a new command prompt, at which point you need to run:

This is the longest part, so you may want to actually leave your computer and get a bite to eat or something. When it is finished, you will be returned to a command prompt. At this point you need to become root by typing:

You will be prompted for the root password you set up when you installed Linux. After you become root you need to run:

make install
Configuring and Setting up Wine
Normally at this point you would run winecfg, but when I did I couldn't read anything because I did not have any fonts (hence the previous FontForge error) installed. To solve this issue if you have a Windows hard drive or computer sitting around, you need to get on it and go to C:\Windows\Fonts and copy all of the files in there to the .wine/drive_c/windows/fonts folder in your home directory. Remember it's hidden. After you do this run:

This is the wine configuration utility, and I will show you how I have it set up. On the "Applications" tab, change the Windows version to "Windows XP". Now in the "Graphics" tab make sure these boxes are checked:
Enable Desktop Double Buffering
Allow the Window Manager to control windows(This is important because if a fullscreen application freezes, you can alt+tab out of it.)
Set the "Vertext Shader Support" to "Hardware" and check the box that says "Allow Pixel Shader if supported by hardware". In audio the reported best sound output system to use is "OSS". I have hardware acceleration set to "Full", Default Sample Rate set to "22050", and Default bits per sample set to "16". It would also be wise to double check the "Drives" tab and make sure everything is mapped to the proper location, it should be by default but just in case.

Getting Some Windows .dll Files
You need to download these two .dll files to your .wine/drive_c/windows folder. If you can't do that directly because of it being hidden, you can download them to a separate location and then move them. Keep in mind these files come in an archive format and will need to be unzipped.
Now open a command line and cd into the .wine/drive_c/windows folder and run these commands.


If it asks you about overwriting a ReadMe file, you can or can't, it doesn't matter, what matters is the .dll file contained in the archive with those readme files.

Installing Mozilla ActiveX Control
You can download the ActiveX control here. We want the .exe version so go ahead and download it and run it. If you get a warning about it being a windows executable file and security risks, you can manually run the file in your command line with:

wine pathtothefilehere
. If it asks you where your Mozilla header files are I would just cancel, it will install anyway and download the html rendering engine when needed.

Installing World of Warcraft
If you have the CDs for WoW you can use them to install, if you don't, you can download a zipped version of the WoW installer here.
The installation process should run normally, however I used the download and not the CDs and have heard of issues with the computer not recognizing one CD or another, but as far as I know it "should" work just fine.

Configuring World of Warcraft
Before ever opening World of Warcraft there are some changes to be made before it will be playable. Go into the folder where World of Warcraft installed (probably .wine/drive_c/program files/world of warcraft) and open the folder named "WTF" and then open the file "" with a text editor, and add these lines to the bottom of the file:

SET gxApi "opengl"
SET SoundOutputSystem "1"
SET SoundBufferSize "150"
SET gxColorBits "24"
SET gxDepthBits "24"

Save it and close it.

That's not all. If the shortcut supposedly installed to your desktop is there, you need to edit it. Depending on your desktop environment that may be done different ways, but find the box that lists the command it runs to actually execute wow. Probably looks like "wine '/home/yourusername/.wine/drive_c/program files/world of warcraft/launcher.exe'" or something. Anyway, go to the main end of this command and enter a space and -opengl. For example to properly edit the command I listed above it would then be:

wine '/home/marcus/.wine/drive_c/program files/world of warcraft/launcher.exe' -opengl
If the shortcut did not show up properly, you can make your own custom launcher, just make sure that you add the option -opengl to the end of the command.

That's all there is to it. After following these steps I can play World of Warcraft flawlessly on my Linux box, no sound jitters, no horribly skewed buildings like before. If you follow these steps and it works, please let me know so I can make this walkthrough more available, but as this is how "I" did it on "my" hardware, I'm not sure how it will work for other people, and therefore I don't want go screaming "I can make it work!" and then not be able to make it work, lol. Because this walkthrough is unofficial, neither I, nor Blizzard, nor Codeweavers are responsible for any damage done to your operating system while following the instructions contained herein. If you follow these steps and it doesn't work, post a reply and let me know or send me an e-mail at . Also don't be afraid to use google, it's how I found all the resources I've given here and all the information I used to get it working for me. Happy questing World of Warcraft players!

Wraithfire 10-08-2006 02:01 AM

I've been trying to install wow for some time, though originally it was on Debian 64, which I unfortunately blew up. So now I'm running Fedora 5, and this is much easier to use for my purposes. This is a great walkthrough, pretty well detailed, though I am having trouble installing wow. I keep getting this error when i try to unzip the installer I downloaded from file planet:

and this returns:

End-of-central-directory signature not found. Either this file is not
a zipfile, or it constitutes one disk of a multi-part archive. In the
latter case the central directory and zipfile comment will be found on
the last disk(s) of this archive.
unzip: cannot find zipfile directory in one of or, and cannot find, period.
I also tried using my install disks, but when it prompts for the second disk and I insert it, it just keeps prompting for the second disk. Any suggestions where I can look to figure this out or what might be causing this?

dudeman41465 10-08-2006 03:22 AM

Try opening the zip file with an archive manager like ark(if you're running KDE) or file roller(if you're running gnome). I've heard of issues with it always asking for the second disc, but to be honest I'm not really sure what to do about it, you could try googling it though if using fileroller or ark doesn't work in extracting the archive.

Wraithfire 10-09-2006 12:14 AM

Well I managed to get the installer I downloaded to unzip by installing winzip. Strange, but unzip and file roller wouldn't unzip it. They both gave that error I listed in my last post. Anyways it unzipped and it installed, but when I went into the WTF folder to edit, the folder was empty. Launching at this point just simply crashed with a blank screen. I tried creating the file and adding the lines you listed, and this led to sound being on the blank screen, but nothing else. I could hear the sound from the blizzard logo, but was unable to do anything. This eventually seemed to crash as well. So I tried uninstalling and reinstalling wow, but the WTF folder is still empty. Any idea what to try next? Was thinking maybe i could a copy of the contents of the WTF folder from a windows machine or something and try adding that to my folder.

dudeman41465 10-09-2006 01:18 AM

I'm in Windows right now, but here are the contents of my file. Try making one with this, plus the lines I put in the walkthrough and see if it works.

Also just to make sure your OpenGL is working properly, run the command "glxgears". This should just show a little window with some 3-d gears turning, if they're turning alright, then your OpenGL is fine, if they're jerky or don't appear at all, this could indicate either an issue with your video card driver or your OpenGL installation.


SET hwDetect "0"
SET gxResolution "1024x768"
SET gxRefresh "60"
SET gxMultisampleQuality "0.000000"
SET gxFixLag "0"
SET fullAlpha "1"
SET lodDist "100.000000"
SET SmallCull "0.010000"
SET DistCull "500.000000"
SET trilinear "1"
SET frillDensity "48"
SET farclip "777"
SET specular "1"
SET pixelShaders "1"
SET particleDensity "1.000000"
SET unitDrawDist "300.000000"
SET movie "0"
SET readTOS "1"
SET readEULA "1"
SET realmList ""
SET readScanning "-1"
SET readContest "-1"
SET realmName "Lothar"
SET gameTip "61"
SET Gamma "1.000000"
SET MusicVolume "0.40000000596046"
SET SoundVolume "1"
SET MasterVolume "0.90000003576279"
SET cameraView "4"
SET AmbienceVolume "0.60000002384186"
SET minimapZoom "0"
SET minimapInsideZoom "0"
SET uiScale "1"
SET accountName "nightmarcus"
SET mouseSpeed "1"
SET profanityFilter "0"
SET cameraYawMoveSpeed "180"
SET cameraYawSmoothSpeed "180"
SET cameraDistanceMaxFactor "1"
SET statusBarText "1"
SET autoSelfCast "1"
SET gxColorBits "24"
SET gxDepthBits "24"
SET guildMemberNotify "1"
SET weatherDensity "3"
SET M2UsePixelShaders "1"
SET shadowLevel "0"

Wraithfire 10-09-2006 02:01 AM

Well I figured out how to get it to launch. I found this link:
Basically I had to add a resolution setting to the file like this:

SET gxResolution "1280x1024"
After I made the settings you suggested, all I did was add this line. Now I can get video and sound, but the sound gets crackly every few seconds, and once the intro movie runs, the logon screen is hosed. Although ironically I can read the EULA now. I have not tried to play yet; I couldn't even tell which buttons to click because there was like 8 of them and they were all blank. Here is my after I ran the game some files were added automatically:

SET gxApi "opengl"
SET SoundOutputSystem "1"
SET SoundBufferSize "150"
SET gxColorBits "24"
SET gxDepthBits "24"
SET gxResolution "1024x768"
SET hwDetect "0"
SET gxRefresh "60"
SET gxMultisampleQuality "0.000000"
SET gxFixLag "0"
SET fullAlpha "1"
SET lodDist "100.000000"
SET SmallCull "0.040000"
SET DistCull "500.000000"
SET trilinear "1"
SET frillDensity "24"
SET farclip "500.000000"
SET specular "1"
SET pixelShaders "1"SET particleDensity "1.000000"
SET unitDrawDist "300.000000"
SET movie "0"
SET readTOS "1"
SET readEULA "1"
SET realmList ""
Hmm, seems to have changed my resolution too. I'll try looking around some more to figure this out, but let me know if you can think of anything. And btw, thanks :)

dudeman41465 10-09-2006 06:50 AM

If the fonts are still really tiny even after copying the fonts from a Windows PC, try using your package manager to install FontForge (in the command line it's yum -y install FontForge). Make sure you capitalize the F's, a friend of mine tried and tried to install fontforge, and it kept saying package not found, until he installed "FontForge", lol. To fix the sound issue also make sure in your winecfg, the audio driver is set to OSS, it's rumored to be the best one for wine and I've never had an issue out of it. Also make sure that in addition to adding the opengl line to the file that when you launch it you are launching it with the -opengl option. ( i.e. wine '$HOME/.wine/drive_c/program files/World of Warcraft/wow.exe' -opengl ) I've got that line in my file, and if I try to launch it without the -opengl option, it still tries to emulate DirectX and the buildings look all screwed up, :P. You might also want to keep in mind that the since we're emulating WoW in a false Windows environment, the game becomes more taxing on your system than it would if you were running it from a native Linux binary, so you will experience a performance difference unless you have a kickass system. On my system, it's perfectly playable, but especially when I go into big areas like the Barrens or Battlegrounds, I notice a drop in framerate that isn't there when I play in Windows. So if after you get the game running it doesn't run as smooth as you think it should, that's probably why.

dudeman41465 10-09-2006 11:45 AM

I'm going to see if I can write an automated installer for WoW using python. If I could get a working installer to do all of this automatically, it would make things a lot easier for us, :P. I've already gotten a start on it, I'll let you know if I can get it to a working status.

oddone 10-09-2006 02:54 PM

How do the FPS differ in Linux compared to Windows ?

I duel boot now and would love to be able to run on just Linux.

I was not happy with the Famerate hit in Cedega From transgaming.

Thanks for the feed back.

Wraithfire 10-09-2006 09:32 PM

Well crud, I seem to have gone backwards since last night. Yesterday I could launch the game, get a black screen and some fairly choppy sound. Now today, when I try to launch the game I get it frozen trying to resize the screen and with horribly choppy sound. When i tried to run glxgears again it crashed my system too! Now I'm really lost about it. The gears worked fine up until I just tried them a few moments ago. Before, the launcher would crash out with a memory read error from wine, but I can't recreate it now. I did install fontforge (which was in the gui installer as fontforge lowercase). At this point I'm not sure what';s up, I know I had good drivers before, I installed them myself just last week. And I have been using the -opengl in my launcher. Do you think this might be a hardware issue? I'm using an ATI x800XL pci-e graphics card, and a built in soundcard on my DFI Lanparty UT NF4 Ultra-D mainboard with an amd athlon 3200+ cpu and 1GB RAM. Any ideas what to try next?

dudeman41465 10-10-2006 12:44 AM

Try googling for issues with ATi cards, I'm using an NVidia GeForce FX 5500, and I've heard of some issues with ATi cards. Check the url to the wine WoW app database in the walkthrough and see if it's got what you need.

Wraithfire 10-10-2006 02:04 AM

Well I checked into the wine db a bit and tried a few changes. I set the soundbuffer to 232 instead of 150 which seemed to help a little bit with the sound. The db also said to put the mfc42.dll into the system32 folder, one step below the windows folder like you suggested. Not sure if that will change anything, but it didn't the first time i tried that so i put it back into the windows folder. Next the db suggested a different launcher for Fedora:

# setarch i386 -L wine WoW.exe -opengl
Now after it crashed, I got this error in the terminal:

fixme:advapi:SetSecurityInfo stub
fixme:powrprof:DllMain (0x6b230000, 1, (nil)) not fully implemented
fixme:ntdll:NtPowerInformation Unimplemented NtPowerInformation action: 11
fixme:powrprof:DllMain (0x6b230000, 0,(nil)) not fully implemented
fixme:win:EnumDisplayDevicesW((null,0,0x33eeec, 0x00000000), stub!
fixme:d3d:IWine D3DImpl_GetDeviceCaps Caps Support for direcctx9 non existent at the moment!
With just a bunch of display device errors at the end. Any of this look familiar to you? i have noticed that when the system seems to crash the sound in the game continues playing, but my keyboard and mouse lights dim or go off and i have no mouse or keyboard.
Gah damn smilies, that's supposed to be fixme : powprof : DllMain minus the spaces between the colons.

dudeman41465 10-10-2006 02:04 AM


Originally Posted by oddone
How do the FPS differ in Linux compared to Windows ?

I duel boot now and would love to be able to run on just Linux.

I was not happy with the Famerate hit in Cedega From transgaming.

Thanks for the feed back.

Well, on my hardware (see signature) it's noticable, but playable if you turn the graphics down a little bit. Most people who do a lot of gaming have better video cards than I do, so it may not be as noticable to them, but for me what causes the issues is distance. I can turn on the pixel shaders, spell level detail and such with no noticable difference in performance, but it's when I start turning the view distance up that the framerate starts dropping. If you've got Linux installed try installing WoW and just see how it performs. I have noticed that the game loads much faster in Linux. Like when you're on a Zeppelin and it shows the map, in Windows I'm sitting there for anywhere from 10-15 seconds, in Linux that same load screen, if I even notice it, is never there for more than 3 seconds. Character models load faster as well, in Windows when I first log in, if I'm in a place like Orgrimmar with lots of people around, it's sometimes a good 30 seconds before all of the models load, in Linux, it never tops 10 regardless of how full the place is.

Wraithfire 10-10-2006 08:13 PM

Well just a few moments ago I took the files msvcp60.dll and mfc42.dll out of the Windows directory and put them into the system32 dir in Windows. When I launched with

setarch i386 -L wine WoW.exe -opengl
I got near perfect sound with a black screen that dropped out with this error (no crash this time :)):

World of WarCraft (build 5428)

Exe: C:\Program Files\World of Warcraft\WoW.exe
Time: Oct 10, 2006 6:07:21.329 PM
User: wraithfire
Computer: localhost

This application has encountered a critical error:

ERROR #132 (0x85100084) Fatal Exception
Program: C:\Program Files\World of Warcraft\WoW.exe
Exception: 0xC0000005 (ACCESS_VIOLATION) at 0073:614D3DA0

The instruction at "0x614D3DA0" referenced memory at "0x00007548".
The memory could not be "read".

WoWBuild: 5428

x86 Registers

EAX=00001403 EBX=00000000 ECX=00000000 EDX=FFFFFFFF ESI=0000000C
EDI=00007548 EBP=0033C5B8 ESP=0033C5AC EIP=614D3DA0 FLG=00010293
CS =0073 DS =007B ES =007B SS =007B FS =003B GS =0033

Stack Trace (Manual)

Address Frame Logical addr Module

614D3DA0 0033C5B8 0000:00000000 <unknown>
614CEAE8 0033C648 0000:00000000 <unknown>
614CED9C 0033C6D8 0000:00000000 <unknown>
614D3AFA 0033C708 0000:00000000 <unknown>
60BEE030 0033C748 0001:0002D030 c:\windows\system32\opengl32.dll
00599173 0033C774 0001:00198173 C:\Program Files\World of Warcraft\WoW.exe
00583C78 0033C790 0001:00182C78 C:\Program Files\World of Warcraft\WoW.exe
00583C8B 0033C7B8 0001:00182C8B C:\Program Files\World of Warcraft\WoW.exe
0070202C 0033C84C 0001:0030102C C:\Program Files\World of Warcraft\WoW.exe
006FF36E 0033FBC8 0001:002FE36E C:\Program Files\World of Warcraft\WoW.exe
00761A5E 0033FCA0 0001:00360A5E C:\Program Files\World of Warcraft\WoW.exe
0046F15F 0033FCC4 0001:0006E15F C:\Program Files\World of Warcraft\WoW.exe
0075BD27 0033FCE8 0001:0035AD27 C:\Program Files\World of Warcraft\WoW.exe
0075A78C 0033FCF4 0001:0035978C C:\Program Files\World of Warcraft\WoW.exe
00441F0E 0033FDBC 0001:00040F0E C:\Program Files\World of Warcraft\WoW.exe
00424490 0033FDF0 0001:00023490 C:\Program Files\World of Warcraft\WoW.exe
00420E4F 0033FE60 0001:0001FE4F C:\Program Files\World of Warcraft\WoW.exe
004209D1 0033FE78 0001:0001F9D1 C:\Program Files\World of Warcraft\WoW.exe
00403F1E 0033FF08 0001:00002F1E C:\Program Files\World of Warcraft\WoW.exe
603A8DFE 0033FFE8 0001:00057DFE c:\windows\system32\kernel32.dll

Stack Trace (Using DBGHELP.DLL)

614D3DA0 <unknown symbol>+0 (0x00007548,0x0000000C,0x00001403,0x6B310F94)
614CEAE8 __glim_R300TCLDrawElements+2792 (0x00000004,0x0000000C,0x00001403,0x00007548)
614CED9C __glim_R300TCLDrawElements+3484 (0x00000004,0x0000000C,0x00001403,0x00007548)
614D3AFA __glim_R300TCLDrawRangeElements+122 (0x00000004,0x000010C5,0x000010CA,0x0000000C)
60BEE030 opengl32.dll wine_glDrawRangeElementsEXT+176 (0x00000004,0x000010C5,0x000010CA,0x0000000C) (opengl_ext.c,1413)
00599173 WoW.exe <unknown symbol>+0 (0x0033C7A8,0x00000001,0x00000001,0x00000000)
00583C78 WoW.exe <unknown symbol>+0 (0x00000001,0x00703A65,0x0033C86C,0x00000000)
00583C8B WoW.exe <unknown symbol>+0 (0x00000000,0x07578008,0x074380C8,0xBE6F4099)
0070202C WoW.exe <unknown symbol>+0 (0x00000000,0x078D5008,0x078D3708,0x0000000D)
006FF36E WoW.exe <unknown symbol>+0 (0x00000000,0x0757C408,0x3F800000,0x00000000)
00761A5E WoW.exe <unknown symbol>+0 (0x00000000,0x00766051,0x00000001,0x07887C08)
0046F15F WoW.exe <unknown symbol>+0 (0x02D8DB88,0x0787A008,0x07821288,0x00000000)
0075BD27 WoW.exe <unknown symbol>+0 (0x078212A0,0x0033FDBC,0x00441F0E,0x078212A0)
0075A78C WoW.exe <unknown symbol>+0 (0x078212A0,0x3E88B43A,0x0033FDD0,0x01199628)
00441F0E WoW.exe <unknown symbol>+0 (0x01199818,0x01199808,0x00000000,0x01199628)
00424490 WoW.exe <unknown symbol>+0 (0x00000000,0x00000102,0x01199808,0x00000000)
00420E4F WoW.exe <unknown symbol>+0 (0x00000000,0x004021D9,0x00000001,0x00000001)
004209D1 WoW.exe <unknown symbol>+0 (0x00409780,0x00400000,0x00000000,0x00116448)
00403F1E WoW.exe <unknown symbol>+0 (0x7FFDF000,0x00000000,0x00000000,0x00000000)
603A8DFE kernel32.dll start_process+238 (0x00000000,0x00000000,0x00000000,0x00000000) (process.c,822)
60023557 wine_switch_to_stack+23 (0x00000000,0x00000000,0x00000000,0x00000000)

Loaded Modules

0x00340000 - 0x003D0000 C:\Program Files\World of Warcraft\fmod.dll
0x00400000 - 0x00CF9000 C:\Program Files\World of Warcraft\WoW.exe
0x10000000 - 0x10069000 C:\Program Files\World of Warcraft\DivxDecoder.dll
0x602A0000 - 0x60309000 c:\windows\system32\ntdll.dll
0x60350000 - 0x6043E000 c:\windows\system32\kernel32.dll
0x60650000 - 0x60684000 c:\windows\system32\advapi32.dll
0x60690000 - 0x60744000 c:\windows\system32\comctl32.dll
0x60760000 - 0x6087A000 c:\windows\system32\user32.dll
0x60890000 - 0x6090B000 c:\windows\system32\gdi32.dll
0x60920000 - 0x609F4000 c:\windows\system32\shell32.dll
0x60A00000 - 0x60A4C000 c:\windows\system32\shlwapi.dll
0x60A60000 - 0x60AE0000 c:\windows\system32\ole32.dll
0x60AF0000 - 0x60B31000 c:\windows\system32\rpcrt4.dll
0x60B40000 - 0x60B4F000 c:\windows\system32\iphlpapi.dll
0x60B70000 - 0x60B7C000 c:\windows\system32\wsock32.dll
0x60B80000 - 0x60BA7000 c:\windows\system32\ws2_32.dll
0x60BC0000 - 0x60C1E000 c:\windows\system32\opengl32.dll
0x60E10000 - 0x60E29000 c:\windows\system32\imm32.dll
0x60E30000 - 0x60EB2000 c:\windows\system32\winmm.dll
0x60EC0000 - 0x60ED8000 c:\windows\system32\msacm32.drv
0x60EF0000 - 0x60F3C000 c:\windows\system32\msvcrt.dll
0x60F50000 - 0x60F83000 c:\windows\system32\wininet.dll
0x60F90000 - 0x60FA2000 c:\windows\system32\mpr.dll
0x610A0000 - 0x6111E000 c:\windows\system32\winex11.drv
0x6A360000 - 0x6A38A000 c:\windows\system32\wineoss.drv
0x6AF70000 - 0x6AF94000 c:\windows\system32\uxtheme.dll
0x6B080000 - 0x6B087000 c:\windows\system32\midimap.dll
0x6B4A0000 - 0x6B4B1000 c:\windows\system32\mswsock.dll
0x6C290000 - 0x6C294000 c:\windows\system32\psapi.dll
0x6C300000 - 0x6C333000 c:\windows\system32\dbghelp.dll

Memory Dump

Code: 16 bytes starting at (EIP = 614D3DA0)

614D3DA0: 0F B7 04 4F 39 D8 0F 47 D8 39 D0 0F 42 D0 41 39 ...O9..G.9..B.A9

Stack: 1024 bytes starting at (ESP = 0033C5AC)

* = addr ** *
0033C5A0: 40 60 30 6B 9C 62 DC 7D 01 01 01 01 40 60 30 6B @`0k.b.}....@`0k
0033C5B0: 90 E2 30 6B 0C 00 00 00 48 C6 33 00 E8 EA 4C 61 ..0k....H.3...La
0033C5C0: 48 75 00 00 0C 00 00 00 03 14 00 00 94 0F 31 6B Hu............1k
0033C5D0: 98 0F 31 6B 0B 00 00 00 2A 64 08 40 EC C5 33 00 ..1k....*d.@..3.
0033C5E0: 18 C6 33 00 F4 FF 27 60 20 11 28 60 00 00 00 00 ..3...'` .(`....
0033C5F0: 06 00 00 00 D1 0A 2B 60 00 00 00 00 D4 49 08 7E ......+`.....I.~
0033C600: 05 00 00 00 AC 53 11 61 D8 C6 33 00 F4 FF 27 60 .....S.a..3...'`
0033C610: F8 12 31 6B 48 75 00 00 06 00 00 80 00 6D C5 7D ..1kHu.......m.}
0033C620: 50 C6 33 00 00 00 00 00 00 6D C5 7D 06 00 00 80 P.3......m.}....
0033C630: 00 6D C5 00 00 B0 13 60 00 00 00 00 40 60 30 6B .m.....`....@`0k
0033C640: 04 00 00 00 03 14 00 00 D8 C6 33 00 9C ED 4C 61 ..........3...La
0033C650: 04 00 00 00 0C 00 00 00 03 14 00 00 48 75 00 00 ............Hu..
0033C660: 70 C6 33 00 FA 7B 63 61 D0 2B 97 7D AC 53 11 61 p.3..{ca.+.}.S.a
0033C670: 78 80 00 00 E0 FC BF 60 88 C6 33 00 D0 20 0F 61 x......`..3.. .a
0033C680: D1 0A 2B 60 9C 94 C1 60 C8 C6 33 00 11 37 C0 60 ..+`...`..3..7.`
0033C690: AC 53 11 61 E2 EB 9F 61 00 00 00 00 D1 0A 2B 60 .S.a...a......+`
0033C6A0: F8 12 31 6B 00 80 11 61 9C 94 C1 60 AC 53 11 61 ..1k...a...`.S.a
0033C6B0: F6 E3 9F 61 00 00 00 00 C8 C6 33 00 D0 20 0F 61 ...a......3.. .a
0033C6C0: 00 80 11 61 9C 94 C1 60 08 C7 33 00 EC EE 33 6B ...a...`..3...3k
0033C6D0: 04 00 00 00 0C 00 00 00 08 C7 33 00 FA 3A 4D 61 ..........3..:Ma
0033C6E0: 04 00 00 00 0C 00 00 00 03 14 00 00 48 75 00 00 ............Hu..
0033C6F0: 03 14 00 00 0C 00 00 00 04 00 00 00 9C 94 C1 60 ...............`
0033C700: F6 E3 9F 61 48 75 00 00 48 C7 33 00 30 E0 BE 60 ...aHu..H.3.0..`
0033C710: 04 00 00 00 C5 10 00 00 CA 10 00 00 0C 00 00 00 ................
0033C720: 03 14 00 00 48 75 00 00 00 00 00 00 08 40 19 01 ....Hu.......@..
0033C730: 01 00 00 00 08 40 19 01 08 40 19 01 08 40 19 01 .....@...@...@..
0033C740: B0 C7 33 00 20 FB BF 60 74 C7 33 00 73 91 59 00 ..3. ..`t.3.s.Y.
0033C750: 04 00 00 00 C5 10 00 00 CA 10 00 00 0C 00 00 00 ................
0033C760: 03 14 00 00 48 75 00 00 01 00 00 00 A8 08 80 00 ....Hu..........
0033C770: FF FF FF FF 90 C7 33 00 78 3C 58 00 A8 C7 33 00 ......3.x<X...3.
0033C780: 01 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 CA 10 00 00 ................
0033C790: B8 C7 33 00 8B 3C 58 00 01 00 00 00 65 3A 70 00 ..3..<X.....e:p.
0033C7A0: 6C C8 33 00 00 00 00 00 03 00 00 00 A4 3A 00 00 l.3..........:..
0033C7B0: 0C 00 C5 10 CA 10 70 00 4C C8 33 00 2C 20 70 00 ......p.L.3., p.
0033C7C0: 00 00 00 00 08 80 57 07 C8 80 43 07 99 40 6F BE ......W...C..@o.
0033C7D0: 76 44 AA 3E 30 E7 69 BF 00 00 00 00 18 EA 78 3F vD.>0.i.......x?
0033C7E0: 7E A8 A3 3D DC D2 60 BE 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ~..=..`.........
0033C7F0: B3 8F 70 3F 3F 1D AF 3E 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ..p??..>........
0033C800: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 80 3F B5 2C CA 3F ...........?.,.?
0033C810: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
0033C820: E2 B7 FC 3F 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ...?............
0033C830: 00 00 00 00 31 08 80 3F 00 00 80 3F 00 00 00 00 ....1..?...?....
0033C840: 00 00 00 00 81 95 E3 BE 00 00 00 00 C8 FB 33 00 ..............3.
0033C850: 6E F3 6F 00 00 00 00 00 08 50 8D 07 08 37 8D 07 n.o......P...7..
0033C860: 0D 00 00 00 84 7C 88 07 08 C4 57 07 E4 13 22 3F .....|....W..."?
0033C870: 00 00 00 80 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 80 00 00 00 80 ................
0033C880: 83 A9 01 3F 00 00 00 80 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ...?............
0033C890: 00 00 00 80 00 00 00 00 00 00 80 3F 00 00 00 80 ...........?....
0033C8A0: 00 00 00 00 64 FB 0F C0 9B 04 10 40 08 80 57 07 ....d......@..W.
0033C8B0: 80 2B CE 00 10 00 9B 07 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 .+..............
0033C8C0: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
0033C8D0: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 B5 2C CA 3F .............,.?
0033C8E0: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
0033C8F0: E2 B7 FC 3F 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ...?............
0033C900: 00 00 00 00 31 08 80 3F 81 95 E3 BE 00 00 00 00 ....1..?........
0033C910: 00 00 00 00 00 00 80 3F 00 00 00 00 00 00 80 3F .......?.......?
0033C920: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
0033C930: 00 00 80 3F 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ...?............
0033C940: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
0033C950: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
0033C960: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
0033C970: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
0033C980: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
0033C990: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
0033C9A0: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................


Hardware/Driver Information:
Processor: 0x0
Page Size: 4096
Min App Address: 0x10000
Max App Address: 0x7ffeffff
Processor Mask: 0x1
Number of Processors: 1
Processor Type: 586
Allocation Granularity: 65536
Processor Level: 6
Processor Revision: 7936

Percent memory used: 9
Total physical memory: 1060278272
Free Memory: 759377920
Page file: 2080366592
Total virtual memory: 2147352575
Well it's progress at least. Looks like some kind of driver issue. Any thoughts on it?

dudeman41465 10-12-2006 06:02 AM

Ouch, I'm not sure when it happened, but they've updated the wine version, and removed the patches for the old version, so this whole topic is now obsolete. I'm glad they updated and have some improved support, but I'm kinda pissed at the same time cause' I've got to completely revise this installer I'm working on for it, lol.

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