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Tsumeone 06-19-2004 12:44 AM

WINE and Starcraft... Please insert disk?
After I do
wine install.exe
I follow the Starcraft setup to install the game... It ends with two errors but those are only for placing start menu shortcuts so I ignored those. When I click Play Starcraft, however, it tells me to put my starcraft CD in. Well, it is in, I can assure you that... how do I make it load? I tried to run the patch from with wine to update starcraft and apply a nocd crack, but when I run the patch wine does some sort of lock up.

Help a linux newbie please ;) I want to game!

sonesay 06-19-2004 05:56 PM

hey thats a cool game.. I lost cd key :(. have you treid using winex or what ever? I'm new to wine etc so i cant help sorry.

have you got anyother games to run ?

xconspirisist 06-20-2004 05:04 PM

Wine cant read from cd's very well.

*cough* you need a no cd crack *cough*. chmod it, too.

sonesay 06-21-2004 04:26 AM

if you use the no cd crack.. you wont be able to update? so no more bnet games?

xconspirisist 06-21-2004 05:27 AM

Dont use the auto updater from within starcraft, that wont work. Download the patch manually. Then crack it.

AquaRichy 06-21-2004 10:16 PM

I get this message.


Data File Error
Starcraft is unable to read a required file. Your Starcraft CD may not be in the CDROM drive. Please ensure that the Starcraft disc is in the CDROM drive and press OK. To leave the program, press Exit.
and right before that,


System Warning
Your system does not appear to be correctly configured. This problem may be corrected by changing the virtual memory settings for Windows. Ensure that your system has at least 20 megabytes of free disk space, then check your virtual memory settings:

For Windows 95:
Select "Settings - Control Panel" from the "Start" menu
Run the "System" control panel applet
Select the "Performance" tab, and press "Virtual Memory"
Use the "Let Windows manage my virtual memory..." option

For Windows NT:
Select "Settings - Control Panel" from the "Start" menu
Run the "System" control panel applet
Select the "Performance" tab
Press "Change" in "Virtual Memory" settings
Ensure that the virtual memory file is at least 32 megabytes

Press "Continue" to play Starcraft or "Exit" to leave the program.
However, the second is irrelevant to this thread.

I have likewise tried a NoCD hack. The one I used required version 1.10 of Starcraft. Even when downloading the patch manually from their website, it freezes up during updating. If I wait long enough, strings of error messages about 'failing to allocate' stream through my terminal.

I do not understand why it cannot find the CD though.
In my .wine/config file, I have an entry:


[Drive D]
"Path" = "/mnt/cdrom"
"Type" = "cdrom"
"Label" = "cdrom"
"Filesystem" = "win95"
as was suggested in

Before that I tried


[Drive E]
"Path" = "/mnt/cdrom"
"Type" = "cdrom"
"Device" = "/dev/cdrom"
which I found at WineHQ

Neither have had any effect. In my .wine/dosdevices directory, I have a symlink "d\:" that links to /mnt/cdrom. d\: and /mnt/cdrom have the permissions 555 for all read and execute.

Currently, I am considering setting my C\: drive onto a FAT partition my Windows and Linux partitions share and installing it through Windows there. In case you are wondering why I am installing Wine and StarCraft if I still have a Windows partition, I want to eliminate another reason to use that Windows partition, and I want to run StarCraft in a window :)

I hope someone can help me resolve my and Tsumeone's CD rom problems though :) The guy here ran into a similar problem partway through the discussion, and miraculously, his has cleared up. I wish he could have detailed the miracle, but oh well :) Thanks in advance for any input.

motub 06-22-2004 07:38 AM


Originally posted by xconspirisist
Wine cant read from cd's very well.

*cough* you need a no cd crack *cough*. chmod it, too.

My Wine reads CDs perfectly well... but then again, I have a backed-up Win98 \system and \system32 folder (not to mention \Program Files\Application Data\InstallShield (which had been updated to reasonably current at the time I uninstalled Win 98), so maybe that helps, too.

The problem, of course, is generally the copy protection, rather than the ability to read the CD itself. But that, you already know how to work around. Can you read the CD if you just mount it and try to look at it in a file manager? Maybe the problem is the CD itself.

In any case, I'm curious if you did a full install of Starcraft, or is it supposed to be reading actual game data from the CDs? You don't want that.

I'm also wondering if there is an *.ini or *.cfg file that refers to what CD-ROM is being used, and if that needs to be edited to reflect the correct CD.

Lastly, I'm wondering about the Registry entries, and if they were created properly. You might want to run wine regedit and see if there are Registry entries for Starcraft, and whether they look correct as opposed to the Windows Registry entires you might have on another install.

If Starcraft is installed and working under Windows, you might even want to export the Windows Registry entries and import them into the Wine registry (but you'll probably have to change the CD-ROM entry, if it exists, unless your CD-ROM is D:\ under both Windows and Wine. I actually make sure to make my Wine drives mirror the layout of the Windows drives, solely so that I can import Windows Registry files-- which I export for all Windows-installed games that I might want to install/play under Wine-- without the need to edit them for conformity).

General questions:

What version of Wine?

May we see the ~/.wine/config file?

Hope this helps. I don't play Starcraft, but you might also find some of the several links to Wine + Starcraft HOW-TOs on the Wine Application Database Starcraft page helpful, so you should check those out too.

AquaRichy 06-22-2004 05:09 PM

I can access my StarCraft CD alright in Linux, and look at anything visible in it. I can use Wine to run executables on it, or Winefile to view its contents. In Winefile, its drive icon is even that of a CDROM.
I am currently using Wine's provided files. I could borrow files from either Windows 98 or XP. I hear that 98 is better for Wine; is that true? If so, do I just copy the Win98 dll's from \system, \system32 and InstallShield directly into Wine's directory (with relevant structure)?

It is a Full install. The game does not want to play without access to its music, video, and probably some other unnecessary stuff, which are all found in the install.exe on the CD. NoCD cracks require you to copy the huge install.exe from the disc into StarCraft's folder. However, I did find one enterprising crack named SCLoader at "Canzig's Hacks" (which no longer exists, but the crack can be found here) that had its own install.exe that excludes all the music and video. The only version I can find requires Broodwar v1.10, but having downloaded the BW1.10 patch, it does not finish updating, so the hack never detects the correct version.


I'm also wondering if there is an *.ini or *.cfg file that refers to what CD-ROM is being used, and if that needs to be edited to reflect the correct CD.
I am not quite sure what you mean. I came across one post that suggested setting "Label" = "STARCRAFT" in the Drive's reg. entry. It did not work then, but I have made other changes since and will try it again.

There are registry entries for StarCraft, but I have not compared them yet. Will update on this. Perhaps I will just import the WHOLE registry ;)

My Wine version is 20040615.

I am mostly using the sample config with

[Drive C]
"Path" = "/home/richard/.wine/dosdevices/c\:"
"Type" = "hd"
"Label" = "MS-DOS"

[Drive D]
"Path" = "/mnt/dvdrom"
"Type" = "cdrom"
"Label" = "cdrom"
added, and

"Windows" = "win98"

Thanks so far. Will update briefly.

motub 06-22-2004 07:58 PM

Looking at my .wine directory, my path is ~/.wine/dosdevices/c: (no slash).

You might want to check and make sure that path is accurate (I really doubt that there's a slash in the symlink name, but I could be wrong).

AquaRichy 06-23-2004 02:25 AM

The slash is used to achieve the ':'. It has to use \: in the string, even though it only appears as a ':' to my file managers and such.

motub 06-23-2004 04:01 AM

Well, I don't know why your Wine does that, because my ~./wine/config says:


[Drive C]
"Path" = "/home/hbgentoo/lindata/c"
"Type" = "hd"
"Label" = "/home/hbgentoo/lindata/c"
"Filesystem" = "win95"
and apparently does not need a :\ to display/find correctly, since the symlink in dosdevices is named "c:", clicking it takes me to c:, and the real target of the symlink is called "c".

I have not had any problems with finding "C:\Program Files" with any installers that I allow to use the default install location, and I did not have any problems browsing directories to install to C:\games instead.

Maybe it's a difference in our versions of Wine; mine is 20040408, what's yours?

AquaRichy 06-23-2004 12:54 PM

Thanks. I will give it a whirl.

giraffe 06-26-2005 07:08 PM

So have you found a solution to Starcraft asking for the cd after a successful install under wine? I've tried a bunch of things which I could post but I'd be interested in trying anything you've done. I got the 'please insert cd' message after my first install, and then also after trying the no cd thing.

starcraft broodwar version 1.12
wine version 20050310-1.1
running ubuntu hoary 5.04


jayhags 08-19-2005 07:45 PM

I just tried to run Stracraft on my ubuntu machine. After installing wine and getting the Starcarft installation to work fine and ending with the same result (Please insert the CD). I started searching and found this thread...

Then I found this (look for July 5 2005 entry - Starcarft on Ubuntu using Wine):

Following the setup for wine and execution of Starcarft, I was able to play, with sound.

Just a guess - it was the "sudo mount" of the cdrom which allows wine/starcraft to access the cd.

Good Luck :)

brainlesspinkey 08-27-2005 03:34 PM

For the record, it seems that in later versions of wine, the ~/.wine/config file is deprecated. Instead you must edit settings through the command "winecfg"

From my experience, you must make sure that the cdrom is added to the list of drives in order for starcraft to work: By default, it is not there. Go into winecfg, click the "drives" tab, and add your cdrom as a drive (with "/mnt/cdrom" as the path or wherever you mount it"). Then try to run the game.

To do this manually, cd into ~/.wine/dosdevices and run

ln -s /mnt/cdrom ./d:
Also, be sure that your cdrom is mounted prior to starting the game.

I've experimented with some nocd patches, but have had no success.

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