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zacko 04-13-2004 05:33 AM

Wine And Ragnarok Online
I did a search and the previous topic that is there didn't solve my problem at all, so i am posting my problem, i am too lazy to right it out again, so ill just copy it from another forum i posted in.

Add http:/ / To the beggining of the links.


Ok, i am trying to get RO to run in linux, i need some help, i have looked around previous topics and they are of no help.

This is what i have tried,

I download the latest nvidia drivers for linux edit the xconfig thingo etc..

I run EbilRO.exe with wine, like

"wine EbilRO.exe"

It takes about 5 minutes shows the RO window, very flickering and the console is outputting lots of directdraw errors, That fails.

I go download wineX and install, do init 6 to reboot bla bla bla

Then i run

"winex3 EbilRO.exe"

It again takes about 5 minutes to load and then shows the RO Screen nicely, no flickering, But with no text and i cannot input any text into the login screen. I close that and get pissed off =P

I edit the config file for winex to enable sync like the other topic said, and still no text and input available.

Any help on this would be highly appreciated. Thanks!

No RUN WINDOWS, or LINUX SUCKS, or linux isn't made for games comments please =-='

Also, any ideas on why it takes soooo long to load?



Ragnarok Online...

... in GNU/Linux...

... does work

Proof? Here's a screenshot: (

I did this using wine-cvs. The game is installed in my winxp partition, so I really didn't have to do some painful (re)installs... It didn't really need much sweat, just a lot of download time (I'm still on a 56k modem, and worse yet, on a softmodem... and its 2004 As for getting the game itself, it wasn't a problem: the level-up guys were literally throwing it away at the local mall, and guess what, I found it in a trash bin...

There are still some problems, though. Running it in fullscreen was good, except that you can't type input on the login forms or on the chatbox. Also, there are some random glitches with the graphics, missing sprites and general window corruption. I'm guessing some glitches on wine's DirectDraw components, so I'm going to try to fix it...

To get this feat working on your own box, here's a mini-howto:



0x0 Get the latest driver modules for your video card: for my nvidia
GeForce2 MX, it was a one-liner: apt-get -t testing -u install
nvidia-kernel-src nvidia-glx-src, then a quick compile;D

0x1 Get wine: apt-get -t testing -u install wine ought to be enough,
though getting wine-cvs might be more worthwhile, especially if
you're goin' to play with wine daily, like me.

0x2 Setup wine: apt-get winesetup, then winesetup, that should do.

0x3 Install RO, or if you're on dual boot, run RO: my winxp
partition is on /mnt/winxp, so I just do a (cd
/mnt/winxp/Program\ Files/Gravity/RagnarokOnline && wine
Ragnarok.exe), and it just works, assuming you installed RO on
default paths.

HTH, fellow RO addicts. Questions? Comments? Post away I'm off playing...

Zakame +)
Hehe yeah i followed that, i guess ill try wine-cvs, maybe its got directdraw support :o, but i saw that on a website before, i'll do test tommorow and post if it works.


WINE-CVS Didn't work, still the same, flickering problem, =x, i tried wineX again in many different ways of configuration, but i was thinking this error may be the problem of why no text/ no input shows up.

And then the window shows up like,

And it just... breaks =o.

Its still taking 5mins+ to load... any idea why?

and here is my wineX config for RO,


;; EvilRO
"Desktop" = "800x600"
"Synchronous" = "Y"
If anyone could help, please, i would be sooo grateful, as... my windows is broken and very annoying to use in its state lol.


Thats as far help as i got from them lol, so i am asking here, sorry if the post was REAL big o_O.. i really hope you can help me...

And i didn't follow that guide totally since he was on gentoo and i am on fedora o_o...

ihuntrocks 02-17-2005 05:17 AM

Typing information in RO
Have you tried installing the microsoft font packages? I had a similar problem running the windows client for our university's administration program, and when I downloaded the font packages, it worked fine. If you visit the downloads section of you will see a download for winetools. Downloading and using this will make it easy to install the fonts that most windows programs attempt to use. I hope this helps.

Snipersnest 02-17-2005 10:00 AM

Your game probably requires HTML based scripting for some text and images to be displayed. Steam is the exact same way with thier banners and Message of the Day for servers.

Check this out... This guy has a really good tutorial to get it going

theforesaken 10-17-2005 10:03 PM

in our case we have a game guard protecting it, so how can we possibly bypass or make the game guard working in linux so that we can have smooth playing time... and also i am doing this search to help other people especially some people with computer shops that wants to migrate in linux. hoping for your response and it will be appreciated.

edit: can it be also done in linux vector? does vector and slackware the same? anyone post a link for a tutorial for linx vector?or slackware if they are same. thanks

bobbens 10-24-2005 12:45 PM

if i remember properly from my experience back in the day:

my specs:

amd xp 2600+
radeon 9600
512 mb ram

I managed to get it working with wine, although i wouldnt get 3d acceleration so horrible fps and didnt work. I managed to get it working with winex (latest compiled version), but i would have problems when someone with dyes would appear on my screen (not default dyes, but hacked grf dyes. Of course all of this is with private servers, never tried official. I only managed to get it working with a modified file from a server that used to exists and has been wiped a long time ago, so i have to idea how it was patched, but it *HAS* worked for me. Only problem i had was id get booted to X everytimesomeone with one of the 77 dyes on came on my screen.

rejser 10-25-2005 02:16 PM

Anyone tried running ro with swiftshade?
swiftshade is a directx running software made by transgaming.
Swiftshade runs directx while cedega and winecvs converts directx to opengl

bobbens 10-25-2005 03:10 PM


Originally posted by rejser
Anyone tried running ro with swiftshade?
swiftshade is a directx running software made by transgaming.
Swiftshade runs directx while cedega and winecvs converts directx to opengl

Man thats the first time i heard of swiftshade... Must be pretty new. I found this: which is the only link you can find off . Doesnt look likes its widely used at all yet. If you can get your hands on swiftshade you should try it. Since there are no CVS roots, i doubt ill be able to get my hands on it any time soon.

theforesaken 10-26-2005 03:42 AM

is it free?does the software a native to linux?maybe then that would be the solution to the problem of ro clients to run it in linux.... i have to try my self and post the results later... thanks guys...

rejser 10-26-2005 05:05 AM

transgaming says it is free to try at the moment, there where some download link on their site. (there is only a demo)

but I will test it tonight I thought

rejser 10-26-2005 02:27 PM

damn it, started a new install of ragnarok, (didn't have it on my computer). Installed with cedega, worked fine, put the swiftshade files in the ragnarok folder. And after all work, ragnarok won't connect.....
What do you do when cedega won't connect your game?

bobbens 10-26-2005 02:46 PM


Originally posted by rejser
damn it, started a new install of ragnarok, (didn't have it on my computer). Installed with cedega, worked fine, put the swiftshade files in the ragnarok folder. And after all work, ragnarok won't connect.....
What do you do when cedega won't connect your game?

you connecting to the official server?

rejser 10-27-2005 06:59 AM

yepp, but to the avalon & excalibur server.

Chuong 05-13-2006 07:51 AM

I'm using Wine and I tried running Ragnarok on my Fedora Core 4.

The Ragnarok starts up and says "Mode Not Supported".

Then it loads the login in screens, only catch here is that the Ragnarok applications flickers badly and the game lags.

I can't connect to the EuphRO server too.

Has anyone played Ragnarok Online before on Linux without running a Windows desktop to play the game?

Hopefully the future versions of games has a Linux version.


Aifel 12-06-2006 06:20 PM


Originally Posted by Snipersnest
Your game probably requires HTML based scripting for some text and images to be displayed. Steam is the exact same way with thier banners and Message of the Day for servers.

Check this out... This guy has a really good tutorial to get it going

Im gonna try this. I'm even installing the out-dated Cedegas.
It's been said that Cedega 4.1.3 works with RO without any special modifications...

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