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hitesh_linux 01-22-2005 11:17 AM

RHEL 3 internet speed issue
I am using RHEL 3 as my gatway. I am using dialup connection. it's get connect but the net is too slow.

it's take more then 2 minits to load pages. If i connect net through XP, it's working like charm. i am positng this issue windnowXP.

Also, i have update system database with updatedb utilities. still no luck.

in RHEL what is the defaults path file for ppp0 configure file. in previous verison(RH 8,9] it is in /etc.sysconfig/network-scripts/icfg-ppp0, i do not know in RHEL 3.

i notice that when it connect, it showing connection speed at 9600, i have setup up to maximum. in dialup tool.

can any one help me how to resolve this issue? before crash it was working fine. I reinstall RHEL and faceing this problem.

if more info require, let me know.

Thanx in Adva.


masand 01-22-2005 01:08 PM

what tool are u using
try kppp

also try using ur own caching nameserver


hitesh_linux 01-22-2005 01:30 PM

Thanx for quick reply.

I m using kppp. [default one]

how do i enable caching nameserver?


masand 01-22-2005 01:38 PM

this package is in the CD and might be installed by default as well

just see thta u have the file

and start the service named

service named start

checkconfig named on

do that it is on for future use

then open up ur /etc/resolv.conf and add this line at the top


also are u using some proxy server for this???

also choose max speed 115200 in kppp if u have external modem


hitesh_linux 01-22-2005 11:59 PM


it is there in /var/named.

I started named services. also, did "chkconfig named on"

also, i check under /etc/resolv.conf file. this is line is listed.

"nameserver "


also are u using some proxy server for this???
yes, i am trying to setup squid as proxy server, and YOU have given some helpful answer in my other post. but I don't think so it will conflict with this. any way i tried stop squid service also, but no luck.

Previously i have setup same setting, that time it was working nicly.

Yes, speed setup up to 460800 under kppp.

I do nto know, why it's happening, Becz before crash it was working nicly and also squid was working fine. due to crash i reinstall RHEL 3 [fresh installaiton] and it's take more then 2 minits to load the page. yes, this ,external modem. [dlink]

any idea?


masand 01-23-2005 02:21 AM

as i have mentioned in my other post

u should give ip forwarding/ip masquerading a try also


hitesh_linux 01-23-2005 10:42 AM

I have checked your last two response but i did not found any point with ipforarding or masquerading.

by the way, this issue releted to internet speed.

again, i am facing problem with internet speed on one Linux box. if i get good speed then only i think about sharing internet.

So, please help me on inernet speed issue. i m using default kppp application, is there any other applicaiton through which i can connect and test internet speed.


hitesh_linux 01-23-2005 10:42 AM

I have checked your last two response but i did not found any point with ipforarding or masquerading.

by the way, this issue releted to internet speed.

again, i am facing problem with internet speed on one Linux box. if i get good speed then only i think about sharing internet.

So, please help me on inernet speed issue. i m using default kppp application, is there any other applicaiton through which i can connect and test internet speed.

Also, is there any GUI tool to check or monitoring kppp log in graphical?


masand 01-23-2005 10:50 AM

this is xternal modem right?/

do one thing
go for downloading some files
using wget

wget <url>

and download some files from some good mirros and see what average speed are u getting???

what browser are u using???

another application to connect to the internet ??

try wvdial

man wvdial


hitesh_linux 01-23-2005 12:07 PM


I am using external modem[dlink].

i tried with wget. here it is.


But, it's stay there nothing happeing, not even single error message. now what to do?

I am using opera as default browser.

any idea?


masand 01-24-2005 06:46 AM

hey u r trying to download a iso??

try this one



hitesh_linux 01-24-2005 11:29 AM

tried that also, but still no luck. :(

any other idea?


masand 01-24-2005 12:49 PM

hey this has to be tried in a shell.

what do u mean by it is not working???

what are u geting after u run this command in shell


hitesh_linux 01-24-2005 01:09 PM


what do u mean by it is not working???
i mean it's not getting download and not even any error messg. on console.

but if i try with broswer means, I copy and paste this link into browser , it's giving me this error.

"The operation time out when attempting to contact"

I do not this link is UP or NOT.


masand 01-24-2005 02:02 PM

this link is working fine for me

try any other link in the browser only


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