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terfy 08-04-2005 08:38 PM

The Perfect Linux System.
Hi, this is my ideas for making a perfect linux.

I would like to hear from others, if it sounds good or bad and please post a comment or something.

Lets discuss it, and tell me what you think will be a perfect system, and maybe we will even make one together in the future. ;-) My primary target is average computer user, who surf the Internet, does some email, play some games, hear some music, watch some videos, and that kind of stuff..

I'm not the best to English, but hope you understands it anyway.

Here it is then..


Boot-time must be graphical with a time-line status bar, that shows how long its in the process.
Could be cool if added a little place where you can see the loading process in details which scrolls and is half-transparent.

As user-friendly as most possible, so everyone, EVEN those who hasn't got a clue on what technical knowledge is, can install- setup- use the system.
(Fully automatized installing- configuration of all, even the core, the base, desktop environment, everything.)

The Desktop environment must be at least as nice (eye-candy) than eg. KDE or MS Longhorn windows.

General and critical updates must be tested for programming- and technical errors at all levels, before they is been uploaded to the update-servers.
Update-processes happens without interrupting the user all automatically and invisible.

Add- softwares and tools automatically downloads and installs-configuring itself, after user has clicked on the things he want to download in a window where he can choose everything, software tab, tools (like burning tools)tab, games tab, younameit, all starts when clicking on an apply-button.
The user can even choose not to have the software anymore, then he just has to unmark the things he don't want anymore, clicks apply and it remove/uninstalls itself completely.
Status bar with element informations are included therein.

In all the software, when the software supports functions which the hardware cannot support/do, is marked as ”N/A unavailable” all automatically, maybe with an transparent out-faded color.

The system must be simple, fast, stable, reliable, secure and fully optimized to the hardwares power and functionality.

Eye-candy must be more nice to look at, and have more useful functions than all other OS' like Microsoft's Longhorn.

Good idea to make a torrent-like system to the downloads of software, tools and games.. and maybe even updates too. But it have to be more effective than the ordinary torrent-protocol I think.
And it has to check sums of all the files before it downloads them, like md5, to make sure its not fake or manipulated files.

Must be open-source- and free license too.

Must have the best of the best, maybe even improve some ideas from other distros if it is necessary.

Everyone must have access to vote (pulls) and come with new or better ideas to improvements and other stuff.

An important target is to take over as many people as possible to use linux instead of Microsoft products.

Distro-name ???
Something which marks the system for its ”speciality”, or what it will be known for mostly.

Maybe- if it isn't possible to make a linux system which fills all these requirements, we maybe have to make a revolution in linux, and maybe call it linux2.

aysiu 08-04-2005 09:30 PM

Or you could call it Linspire.
I don't know if what you described would be my ideal Linux system.
It would probably be a cross between Ubuntu and Mepis.

freakyg 08-04-2005 09:50 PM


Update-processes happens without interrupting the user all automatically and invisible.
NYET..........a linux user should always know what is running on their system, nothing should ever install automatic without the user knowing what it is doing........


Add- softwares and tools automatically downloads and installs-configuring itself, after user has clicked on the things he want to download in a window where he can choose everything, software tab, tools (like burning tools)tab, games tab, younameit, all starts when clicking on an apply-button.
The user can even choose not to have the software anymore, then he just has to unmark the things he don't want anymore, clicks apply and it remove/uninstalls itself completely.
Status bar with element informations are included therein.
as stated above..........NOTHING should ever run automatic on a linux system without the user knowing exactly what is happening...........

Charred 08-04-2005 11:19 PM

Mine would be called Slackware.

set235 08-05-2005 02:00 AM

or gentoo with an easier (graphical) install. personally i liked the more in depth install, but that is cause i am trying to learn all i can.
the reason i say gentoo is portage!!!!
portage is the easiest way i have seen to install new packages/software on any linux flavor i have tried (only 5)

to make it friendly for the masses........
the install would have to be almost all automatic and graphical, meaning you wouldnt configure and compile for your hardware. and include a desktop such as kde or gnome. the portage system would have to be made graphical too (doesnt seem like it would be to hard, but i am not an experienced programmer). if a user could choose packages and such from a graphical menu then have it auto install with the ease of portage.

the average user NEVER wants to see a command line they will have to type to....
it scares people for some reason. no pretty, calming, blue/red/green colors
this would be a very hard task with linux indeed. you would basically need a graphical link of almost every unix command, and then some......

but then again................
dreaming is not dead. thats why we are all here on this man's dream

terfy 08-05-2005 04:41 AM

I think it can be great if we then can toggle details off and on when updating the system happens..

ehm, thinking about kicking off Microsoft from the market, steal all microsoft-users in the whole world. thats why are will have a system without any hassle's cause they don't know a shit about computers..

I think we should talk about what could be a perfect system to take over Microsoft's average users.. kind of this stuff..

please understand my point to this thread..

Kdr Kane 08-05-2005 07:37 AM

As stated before and I'm inclined to agree, you are describing Linspire.

But then, I'll never use it.

terfy 08-05-2005 08:22 AM

Linspire ???

are you sure ??

Is Linspire fully automatically optimized ??

I tried their live-cd once and,,,,, The eye-candy was all the same as in the other Linuxes

I want a linux system NOT to be geek-only system..

I AM a geek, some says, and I can use linux very fine.. but... all these configurations.. its KILLING me..

Aren't there anybody who want to share some thinkings about "perfect linux" ??

geeman2.0 08-05-2005 08:29 AM


Aren't there anybody who want to share some thinkings about "perfect linux" ??
Tons of people I'm sure. But what you're describing is windows with a linux kernel, and is quite far from what many of us would envision as perfect.

"Perfect" is very subjective. Maybe you need a new title for your project.

terfy 08-05-2005 08:32 AM


Originally posted by set235
or gentoo with an easier (graphical) install. personally i liked the more in depth install, but that is cause i am trying to learn all i can.
the reason i say gentoo is portage!!!!
portage is the easiest way i have seen to install new packages/software on any linux flavor i have tried (only 5)

to make it friendly for the masses........
the install would have to be almost all automatic and graphical, meaning you wouldnt configure and compile for your hardware. and include a desktop such as kde or gnome. the portage system would have to be made graphical too (doesnt seem like it would be to hard, but i am not an experienced programmer). if a user could choose packages and such from a graphical menu then have it auto install with the ease of portage.

the average user NEVER wants to see a command line they will have to type to....
it scares people for some reason. no pretty, calming, blue/red/green colors
this would be a very hard task with linux indeed. you would basically need a graphical link of almost every unix command, and then some......

but then again................
dreaming is not dead. thats why we are all here on this man's dream

And can't we make the dream to become reality ?? I hope so..

terfy 08-05-2005 08:35 AM


Originally posted by geeman2.0
Tons of people I'm sure. But what you're describing is windows with a linux kernel, and is quite far from what many of us would envision as perfect.

"Perfect" is very subjective. Maybe you need a new title for your project.

then Help me please..

what should I say then, ?? A new title ?? and why does it have to be a windows with a linux kernel ??

anyone.. help me do this.. Can't do it myself.. (but... I probably could, but it'll take serious damn long time, and I don't what to wait that long.)

aysiu 08-05-2005 08:45 AM


Originally posted by terfy
[B]Linspire ???

are you sure ??

Is Linspire fully automatically optimized ??

I tried their live-cd once and,,,,, The eye-candy was all the same as in the other Linuxes
Well, what do you mean by "eye-candy"? What some people call "eye-candy," I think is ugly. What's user-friendly is subjective but generally agreed upon. What's eye-candy is completely subjective and up to the individual. If you're trying to woo Windows users, it's not like XP is that great looking...

geeman2.0 08-05-2005 09:38 AM


what should I say then, ?? A new title ?? and why does it have to be a windows with a linux kernel ??
What I meant was you sound like you're trying to duplicate the way windows does things, which is not something many linux users would want. Many of us like the fact that the OS doesn't try to do all the configuration auto-magically.

Anyways, I'm sure there are many people who would like your system.
But you're not the first to come up with an idea like this.
You'd probably have more success contributing to an existing "perfect linux" distro project than reinventing the wheel and doing it yourself.

Do a search of these forums; every few days someone else announces that they're going to build a brand new distro that does everything for you and is perfect for the newbie. Maybe if they all worked together they'd have done it by now :)

Kdr Kane 08-05-2005 10:14 AM

Unfortunately, everyone of those people haven't got the slightest clue how to make a distribution and want to desperately recruit other people to do the work for them under their unique wisdom and guidance.

They have such a fresh view on Linux.

They can point out all the little things to make Linux better, because nobody has ever noticed over the last 14 years.

But, they aren't trying to make it like Windows, because everybody now knows that Windows is evil.

Oh, come on. Somebody help me. I could do this all day.

terfy 08-05-2005 01:00 PM

So, what you all say is that linux is meant for "geeks" only ??

I just had a dream to see a linux, or another system common people uses in everyday use..

I wanna see a linux which can make Microsoft say.. "wow, linux is really serious now, and taking over bite after bite.. can't we do nothing about it??"

I want to see a competition.. All i see now is still... windows, windows and windows again.. and it SUCKS really hard.. And it makes me angry.. I wanna see something DIFFERENT in the world.. I wanna see a free operative system every people can use..

Any understands me ??

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