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NonSumPisces 09-03-2004 02:24 PM

Comments on Lunar Linux?
Anyone here who's tried it? I like the concept, which seems to be very similar to that of Gentoo. I'm going to switch distro in a few days, and I originally intended to go for Gentoo, but Lunar Linux seems quite cool, so now I'm not sure which to choose now :) Lunar is a source distro, like Gentoo, and I don't want the hassle of trying them both in the same week with the compile times and all :)

Any comments from Lunar Linux users would be very welcome.

About Lunar Linux

penguin4 09-03-2004 07:47 PM

nonsumpisces; sorry not heard of os in california. could be it was targeted
for eu use primarily. it may arrive in US soon.

ferrix 09-04-2004 04:04 AM

Lunar is usually really good, although just now it is going through a bit of unstable period while it moves between the servers (from the US to Netherlands, I think). So maybe give it a few days, and then by all means, go for it! I've got a desktop and a server running Lunar and I find it solid, reliable and easy to work with. It's a shame so many people don't realise Gentoo is not the only source based distro; there are alternatives such as Lunar, Source Mage, Sorcerer, Rubyx... and personally I found all of them agree with me more than Gentoo.

NonSumPisces 09-04-2004 10:49 AM

I've ordered parts for a new server and a game box, and I think I'm going to run Devil Linux or Lunar Linux on the server. The box I use now will probably be my Guinea Pig box so to speak :). The game box will have XP for obvious reasons, and the old 486 I have in the attic will be my router (Devil Linux) as soon as I get the time to convert it, cuz my d-link router/firewall is really not that good... Damn, the electricity bill will be soooo huge... Espicially when the server will have 10k rpm scsi drives and 2x400w psu's...

Is there a good multitude of software on "lunarbase"? I can get almost everything I need with portage, and I wonder if it's the same thing with lunarbase. I use apps like deadftp, apg, gps, di, multi-aterm, Bluefish, gqview... Does lunarbase work like portage with some equivialent to ebuilds?

What was it with Gentoo that didn't agree with your style of computing?

ferrix 09-04-2004 04:51 PM

> Is there a good multitude of software on "lunarbase"?
Honestly it isn't as huge as Gentoo's, but it is quite adequate - I found everything I needed, both for the desktop, and the server. Just have a look at the listing of the current moonbase which is available on the website and it will tell you if the apps you want are there, and in what versions. Lunar is more like Slackware in that it aims for stability rather than cutting edge at all cost.

> Does lunarbase work like portage with some equivialent to ebuilds?
Yes, moonbase is the functional equivalent of portage.

> What was it with Gentoo that didn't agree with your style of computing?
Remember what I said about Lunar? solid, reliable and easy to work with. Well, I found Gentoo to be none of these things. First of all, installation is a pain - it is not that hard thanks to the excellent documentation, but it still is very tedious. Lunar makes it much easier, without giving up any advantages - you still end up with the system completely compiled on your box. But forget the installation - the real challenge of Gentoo is to keep the thing running and not falling to pieces after a couple of updates! Lots of bugs, lots of breakage, lots of little quirks. I know many Gentoo users will disagree with me, but that has been my experience.

NonSumPisces 09-05-2004 09:16 AM

I checked moonbase out; It didn't have everything I use but that's no biggie.
BTW, which distro do you prefer: Lunar Linux, Source Mage or Arch?

ferrix 09-05-2004 03:43 PM

Lunar and Source Mage are still quite similar, because as you might know they are both forks of Sorcerer. Source Mage has a nice, supportive community and I think it will be excellent once its version 1 comes out. But for now it is still in development - of the sort that tends to break things :)
Arch is in many ways my favourite, but Arch is a binary distro. I like it because it gives me everything that is good about Slackware, plus i686 optimisation, even simpler configuration and a decent package management system!

NonSumPisces 09-05-2004 04:47 PM

Cool. Think I'll try out Lunar Linux.

oui 08-09-2021 04:49 PM

lunar continues to live and be active
so I did download an iso named


a lot of time ago,

wanting to try to install it later when I have some time free for that, and as it is holiday time, it would be the case now.

but I did the wrong version. I will a version for i686 (if existing!)

and I don't find the download page / site any more.

can somebody help with information?

michaelk 08-09-2021 06:45 PM


Does not look like there is an i686 version anymore. Might want to contact them directly.

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