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vi0lat0r 04-03-2004 06:50 PM

Linux+ In Depth
I just recieved the book and the CD that comes with the book so that I can get ready to take the Linux+ test and get my cert. Well, I put the CD into my computer, opened up /mnt/cdrom... Guess what format the 2 files are in? .EXE!! What kind of crud is that?

So anyways, after thinking how stupid that was, I open up a terminal and wine one of the files. It never opens.

Then I try to wine the other file, the install file. It opens perfectly, begins setup... gets to Configuring.... sits for 10 seconds... closes. Everytime. LOL.

So I guess I can't use the CD-Rom it came with in Linux, even though its a Linux+ book... That's what I call stupid.

So heads up, if you buy this book, know you will _NOT_ get a usable cdrom (unless you have windendo)

Windendo: (Wind-End-O) ; noun
Knock off brand of Nintendo commonly referred to as Windows. Some Linux users play their PC games using a seperate partition containing Windendo.

OmegaBlac 04-03-2004 07:22 PM

Sorry to hear that. You would think that a CD-ROM about a Linux exam should be able to run in Linux! Sigh, this is just one of the negatives in living in a desktop world dominated by winblowz, they(whoever developed the CDROM) assume that everyone runs windows or they just don't want to bother(laziness) with making the CDROM compatitible to run under Linux. The best message that we can send to the makers of that book and CDROM is not to purchase it and send them an email telling them why(ok, if your lazy then the latter is optional). Thanks for the info vi0lat0r, sorry you had to spend your money to find out the CDROM was not Linux compatible though.

Usually though in those certification books there is a page somewhere or on the back sleeve of the CDROM package that contains the requirements on running the included CDROM. Oh well the book is really what you wanted anyways right? No OS needed for that! :cool:

vi0lat0r 04-03-2004 07:30 PM

True, but I would rather have had the book on my computer so I could add reading it to my list of multitasks, lol. I probably will send them an email actually :-)


Just looked at the page where the CD-Rom was - it doesn't say anything about compatibility. Doesn't say it will work under Windows, but then it doesn't say it will work under Linux either. E-mailing them sounds good.

j0217995 04-06-2004 02:52 PM

The Sybex Linux+ training book comes w/ a CD that has several tests on it, which of course only work in Windows. I laughed so hard when I saw that. At least the book was in a .pdf that I could read.

vi0lat0r 04-06-2004 03:12 PM

Just an update:

I emailed the author(s) of the book and actually got a reply (2 hours later... I was extremely surprised). The author said the email would be forwarded to the publishing company. Haven't heard anything since. :-\

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