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none_ 12-24-2009 07:42 PM

how to install nvidia driver on incognito
Hello. I tried incognito and it's great, but i have one issue... it's killing my eyes ;). When this happens on other livecds i usually just install nvidia driver and everything's fine. But on incognito:

1. When i check mnt and media folders there's nothing there. Is incognito not detecting my hard drives or do i need to mount them from console first somehow? I mean - I need to access my hd to run driver installer -_-

2. How do i kill X so i could install nvidia driver? Init 3 doesn't do anything and killall just restarts X server.

Laurens73 12-25-2009 12:27 PM

Try init 1 or init 2 if init 3 doesnt work and killal restarts X. NVIDIA will moan about init 1 but that message can be ignored without problems. If even that doesn't work, try modifying /etc/X11/xorg.conf and modify the driver line in some crap, like altering nv into abcdefg for example. The next killall results in an error ending your X session. Now your computer is ready for installation of the NVIDIA driver.

none_ 12-29-2009 12:16 PM

How do i mount my hd? I checked /etc/fstab and there's only firmware and portage there so i guess mounting won't work, i need to add my hd to fstab first?

anonym 12-30-2009 05:38 PM

While it is technically possible to install drivers in Incognito, it usually requires some rather difficult hacks. Incognito is not made to be flexible -- it's meant to work out of the box (which it admittedly doesn't do for every setup) and do it's one purpose thing (which apparently is not in line with everyone's expectations). YMMV.

What you might try instead of using the proprietary nvidia driver is to use the open source "nv" driver which ships with Incognito (and which should be autodetected if you have an nvidia card, but that seems to fail a lot unfortunately). Just edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf accordingly and restart the X server with ctrl+alt+backspace. I added a small hack that will edit xorg.conf accordingly which I believe is in the 2009.0 beta. Simply add "xvideo=DRIVERNAME" to the kernel command line (press TAB at the language selection menu during early boot) where driver name is the name of the xorg video driver you want to use (in your case "nv", without quotation marks). If you run from USB you can make that change permanent by adding that line to syslinux.cfg.

none_ 01-01-2010 12:57 PM

Thanks for replying, anonym!

Yes, i tried to use nv driver but it's still unusable. I appreciate your effort at making incognito secure (ram cleaning and mac changer are just wow) but the way graphics are now it's impossible to use for me... I'd turn blind after whole day of working with incognito.

I run nvidia installer but it complained about lack of ldconfig...

I wonder what do you mean by 'difficult hacks'? Is there anything i can do to make it work on my computer? Maybe i could use ld from my hd installed distro? (I don't know if what i just said makes any sense, that's just idea.) Or i would have to remaster livecd? If that requires remastering it might indeed be too hard for me to do.

I'm thinking that no ld is security measure ( someone couldn't compile rootkits?) but that makes nvidia install impossible(?)

anonym 01-07-2010 08:14 AM

Sorry, but I cannot come up with any straight-forward way to do this.

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