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roystonlodge 11-06-2008 09:13 AM

MyDSL virus and malware scanning extension?
I've looked through the MyDSL repository with no luck. On the off chance that it's there and I just didn't see it, I'm posting this question to ask if anybody else found one.

I'm looking for a virus, adware and malware scanner that I can use with a USB key install of DSL so I can boot my computer in DSL and scan my Windows hard drive for viruses and other malware.

It seems like such a basic and obvious application for DSL, so I'm really surprised when I couldn't find a MyDSL extension that would do the job.

Any suggestions?

DT0X 11-07-2008 04:36 AM

Any reason is has to be DSL?

There are some other bootable virus scanners that I came across with some quick searching - ultimatebootcd is one (although virus defs are a little out of date)

Admittedly it would be good in DSL - im guessing you could update virus definitions and stuff with an installed version aswell which would be nice

drummingpariah 04-07-2009 11:18 AM

DSL is a good idea because it's pxe-bootable and small, so it could be deployed to an entire data center, run from ram (on the local drives), then the system can be brought back up (depending on the severity of the problem). DSL is nice BECAUSE it's so small.

I've just started a project on this for work, and sending a ~1gb image out to each machine in a data center is a waste of resources. A ~75mb image would be faster and more efficient. I'm trying to compile clamav for DSL right now, and if it's successful I'll create a MYDSL extension for it. Downloading from APT doesn't work because of dependency conflicts.

roystonlodge 10-14-2009 02:07 PM

Just curious if you've had any success creating a Clam DSL extension?

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