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-   -   What happen to the Bodhi's own Forum? (

whm1974 02-09-2020 11:31 AM

What happen to the Bodhi's own Forum?
I did use Bodhi Linux quite awhile back with an much older way lower spec Rig for a number of years during the early last decade and I do remember Bodhi having it's own Forum back when I used this Distro.

So what happen to it?

linuxfarm 02-09-2020 11:34 AM

I also wish bodhi had their own forum. So much nicer and better too!

whm1974 02-09-2020 11:56 AM


Originally Posted by linuxfarm (Post 6088058)
I also wish bodhi had their own forum. So much nicer and better too!

Yes it was, wasn't it?

ondoho 02-09-2020 02:16 PM

AFAIR the person running it was so scared of the GDPR that they shut it down.

Yes, I remember correctly:

Recently the EU passed a new set of data laws for people who live there and the data they provide to people online. From my understanding even though Bodhi and all of its services operate out of the US, Bodhi (and thus myself) could be held legally responsible for the data people in the EU provide to us. I am not willing to risk the financial security of my family over a project that effectively makes no money after operating costs.

I do not have the bandwidth or legal background to understand what is needed to make us compliant with these new laws. Our user forums and all associated data with them have been deleted. We have also deleted all comments and emails / names associated with them on this WordPress page and disabled comments moving forward to not collect data here either.

Kiezel 02-09-2020 02:27 PM

As newcomer to Bodhi I know only this forum, so I can only make some general comments....

Maintaining a forum, keeping the forum software up to date with timely security updates, nuking spam etc. requires a considerable amount of work. Let alone dealing with legal nonsense.

If the distro team is relatively small, it makes sense to hook onto an existing forum like, because they take care of all of that for you. Which leaves the distro team free to spend their time on their core activity: maintaining the distribution itself.

After all, a forum is a forum. As long as you have an easily accessible place to post your questions and get the help you need, it doesn't matter much whether it's a pure "one-distro" forum or not. Personally, I couldn't care less. :D

linuxfarm 02-10-2020 06:48 AM

well - been a bodhi fan since 3. left when the forum shutdown but after trying 2 different distros - one i could live with the other forget it- i came back.just love e/moksha and what it offers me and the uniqueness and feel of it. however, i am not a fan of this place at all sorry to say. Liked the little community of people we had. I tried another distro and it was stable and generally nice but the lack of windows remember place and size which bodhi has and i love drove me nuts. also some of the admins thought they were god and were rather terse and snippy. as an old fart i have no room for that stuff. so back and as far as i can tell - not going bck unless this distro folds. Sure would ne nice to have out own little home. Just my opinion. the people there were bodhi users and were helpful. Many people here know linux - and inside and out too unlike me; yet some of their posts are out in left field not knowing bodhi and what works and what doesn't. I have seen maybe 15 at leat bits of advice that were 100% off.

BW-userx 02-10-2020 07:02 AM

LQ is a nice go to place for whichever distro one is using, too, it eliminates having to have more than one membership for multiple distros, where I've had to get a membership to ask a few simple questions, which to me is a bigger hassle then it should be worth. I did not need a membership, I just needed a few questions answered. But that good ole catch 22 ..

linuxfarm 02-10-2020 07:14 AM

yes i agree - my post was not inteded to start an argument. there was a nice group of people that we got to know each other more intimately as such.

whm1974 02-10-2020 06:32 PM

I see the concern about the EU GDPR, but however if the Forum Server and Person(s) running it are located in the US and are US Citizens with no Business dealings in the EU, then AFAIK the EU can do diddly swat about a Forum outright refusing to comply with EU laws and rules. Even if the EU Citizens are using the Forum in question. Now I don't want to create legal grief for but this is my understanding and I could be very well wrong about this.

rrashkin 02-11-2020 01:29 PM

Alas, I think this ship has long since sailed.

ondoho 02-13-2020 01:55 AM


Originally Posted by whm1974 (Post 6088563)
I see the concern about the EU GDPR, but however if the Forum Server and Person(s) running it are located in the US and are US Citizens with no Business dealings in the EU, then AFAIK the EU can do diddly swat about a Forum outright refusing to comply with EU laws and rules. Even if the EU Citizens are using the Forum in question. Now I don't want to create legal grief for but this is my understanding and I could be very well wrong about this.

And you are.
If the forum is available on the WWW inside the EU, then it has do adhere to the GDPR.

You probably can't, but I can see large american news sites that simply won't open anymore, only showing a short text apologising that it's not available in the EU. Because they do not want to adhere to it.

BTW, complying to the GDPR isn't that hard, definitely not for a classic forum software driven forum, and it is extremely unlikely that anybody would get fined for unintentionally overstepping, esp. on such a small scale.
I run a blog and I'm not in the slightest worried, and I changed nothing to make it GDPR conform.
It seems some (american?) media like to paint it as a piece of bureaucratic injustice designed to harrass small web site owners and weedle money out of them. It is not.

IMO, if a site isn't designed to collect personal data, then it's fine.
Which obviously many sites are designed to do, and some of the larger ones have been fined and have to pay.

The Internet is global, and (in my opinion) needs global regulation.
It won't do to try to close your eyes from that. We've had a free pass for 3 decades, now it's slowly becoming part of the fabric of society, with all the advantages and disadvantages that entails.

With all that said: Bodhi is a small project with few active members, and I can understand that Jeff Hoogland wants to concentrate on developing the distro, not the forums.

linuxfarm 02-13-2020 05:16 AM

and you are? Jeff is not developing anything anymore which led to my hiatus from bodhi. he is absent. ylee and the waiter are the 2 main and only people working hard on this. been using it since 3 and i know what was and how nice it was and then... And i am 'popeye the sailorman!'

linuxfarm 02-13-2020 05:53 AM

in addtion: since i have not earned my 10 million points to be able to PM anyone. so ylee and the waier: i always wonderd why and would still support you guys to just continue with your developement but without jeff's permission for everything since he is not active but playing games - and create your own distro based on bodhi called samsara or some such thing and just keep doing your development that you two decide n what to do without seeking permission from jeff. he went awol as such and you guys work hard and he gets the glory of saying this is his baby. I would support you two doing such a thing. and always have been. As glad as i am to get back to bodhi and have always loved it i have tenous feelings abot this that s too hard to try to explain. after readin some of the stuff on this forum it is a bit discncerting. struggling with the last distro i used for a while and coming back to bodhi for the developer situation and also forum situation. anyway I am on your side ylee and waiter. as an old fart i have no time to mince words. just know it could be interesting.I am done.

the_waiter 02-13-2020 06:02 AM

Is linuxfarm the same person as Hemlocktree? Is it you Norman?

linuxfarm 02-13-2020 06:12 AM



(just so you know i have tried to get that radiance stuff working since you and ylee put so much time to helping me and after maybe 10 times nothing. also the path you both give is non-existent on both laptops. go figure.

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