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BaronMunchausen 01-15-2019 12:01 PM

Is Jeff OK?
Hi, guys,

I have not seen Jeff on this forum for long time.

Is he OK?


the_waiter 01-15-2019 12:22 PM


I am in Messenger touch with Jeff. He is safe and sound but not very Bodhi active some months. I can see him playing some card games in competitions and of course devoting his time to family and job. His Bodhi job shrunk to making ISOs for every next BL release.
This way I would like to do a little research. We lost a lot with old forum and I think we left just 2 mohicans with Robert as team members. I can remember, there was also SEF a bodhibuilder guy and some more guys. Does somebody know something about him or other guys?

Maintaining any distro with two guys is a real pain. Unfortunately our to-do list is increasing (look to the forecast module and GTK themes for example) :(


PS: Oh I forgot. Tristam should be active for Bodhi server maintaining.
PS2: I was in touch with Oblio. He was a wiki guy. I lost contact to him

hemlocktree 01-15-2019 12:41 PM

i know - the bodhi family has been long lost and gone as such since the forums closed.

that is why i tried to hook all of use via emails at least so we did have some kind of contact and persoanl context since no pm's available here to do that either. i di try and am rather sad. that is why i posted what i did re: charle's death which my friend raskin took the wrong way. this is felling more like the demise of bodhi i hate to say.

hell i have no clue whete to go. ubuntu is ehhhhh and elemetary has too many issues, and mint is forget that. debian i am not that skilled and really like moksha /E vs mate and gnome and hate ked - so deepin?????

he seems just out of touch. i love bodhi more than any other distro i have used over 15 years but.... ths community is so scattered and lost as such. my thanks to stefan and ylee. i do miss sef too.

the_waiter 01-15-2019 01:32 PM


There is no space for skepticism. It is the worst thing we can do. Yes, I fully understand your feelings. I also had hard time and almost gave up, but I realized some important things and I am still here. If you feel some bad mood in my words, I just mean the tiny team has to cover all work which has to be done. The Bodhi base stayed on 4 people is not that bad. I know some one man show distros and they works. Slowly but works.
As far as Jeff is concerned. Bodhi is his project and we just joined. People come and people go. There are always some faithful people which stay longer like Robert or me or old faithful Charles. Jeff has his duties now. He did a great job for Bodhi in the past and is still here in new releases time. So far we are here with Robert for covering all stuff and believe, Robert has never been as skilled as now in understanding Bodhi and Linux background. I am persuaded if he is here the Bodhi will be alive. I can help him with some around work with themes, little coding and maybe some ideas how to have better desktop features. I can also see a hope with Bobl01 and some other users which are interested in some help.
Bodhi has got some minor issues but is working pretty fine and fully covering the users needs. Lets enjoy it :)


hemlocktree 01-15-2019 02:11 PM

no i do appreciate your help greatly - just seems like the head honcho has left the building as such and dumped the major stuff on the few.

rbtylee 01-15-2019 03:18 PM

I talk some to Jeff in Discord he is fine just busy. Life goes on and we all have busy spells.

@Hemlocktree, email me and I will send ya the lost of Bodhi team members email addresses I have. ylee at you guessed it

Jeff91 01-15-2019 03:42 PM

I'm still around, but I don't really check this forum no. I'm semi active in the Bodhi discord server since that works on my mobile devices and is fairly quick to check now and then.

I started working 60+ hours a week in March of last year which has made my life hectic since. I was happy to get 5.0.0 out the door, but we haven't had any major features needed to demand a new ISO update since. Stefan and Ylee have been doing well with minor updates so I've been pretty hands off, devoting my small amounts of spare time to my family these days.

When Stefan gets his last few theme updates to a place he likes I plan to take a weekend and roll up 5.1.0 discs with their small improvements, but not in any major rush to make that happen. I use Bodhi on a number of my systems still and it runs just as well as always.

hemlocktree 01-15-2019 07:21 PM

thanks Jeff. hadn't a clue about the new job -

JollyRoger1939 01-16-2019 11:24 AM

Many thanks you guys for all your efforts. Bodhi is the best in my opinion. I'm still using Bodhi 4 on my main system as that runs so well and looks so good, but I'll upgrade it to 5.1 when the new ISO comes out...

sef 01-16-2019 11:24 PM

Yeah, I'm still around a bit too. But I really am not a huge fan of the new forum for some reason so that keeps me from dropping in as much as I used to.
Still rolling out updates of bodhibuilder and trying to keep Jeff in the loop via email.
I'm just going to be honest, show my vanity, and say that if someone were to find a different forum I personally would drop by more often... I just find this site clunky and awkward to use. (my 2 cents spent)

the_waiter 01-17-2019 05:31 AM

Hi sef

I am glad you are still around. Lets wait for Oblio and maybe the situation around the team is not as bad as we thought :)


hemlocktree 01-17-2019 05:44 AM

i agree with sef. miss the old forum. this is just not even close to what we had before.

i really have to force myself to come here to try to stay in the loop esp. since i know so little.

rrashkin 01-17-2019 01:30 PM

ĦAnd I always thought I had strong opinions! Sure I liked the old forum better. I'm 68! I like the old EVERYTHING better. But it's just a forum -- it's way better than a listserv!

hemlocktree 01-17-2019 01:32 PM

65 and counting

sef 01-17-2019 01:33 PM

You know what they say about opinions...

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