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Alaanor 11-26-2015 03:18 PM

[Arch Newbie] Install a bootloader

I've just discover arch from today. Nice, I've a "live usb" of arch on /dev/sdb/ and I reset each byte of my /dev/sda/. ( I start from a clean SSD )

Nice, so I've created 3 partition (No swap because I've 8GB on a laptop)

/dev/sda GPT
/dev/sda1 : 300MiB : ext4 : /boot
/dev/sda2 : 50GiB : ext4 : /
/dev/sda3 : ~415GiB : ext4 : /home

Note: sda2 and sda3 are LUKS encrypted. It's works nicely.

But now when I use:

fdisk -l /dev/sda
There isn't a "boot" column. Not like my USB (/dev/sdb).

Note: I've can't boot on sda. I can only type command from live usb.

Okay, and what I've tried ?


mkdir /mnt/boot
mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/boot
pacstrap /mnt/boot syslinux dosfstools efibootmgr
#added the entry with UUID and LUKS in the cfg of syslinux for loading /dev/sda2

I've tried other small trick, but nothing work good.

It's my first day with Arch, and I'm not a linux expert but I want to understand what I do. If someone can help me to place me on the right way, its would be nice. (Ho, and, sorry for my bad english :S )


ondoho 11-27-2015 01:12 PM

start again. start here:'_guide
go through all steps. do not deviate from the path. think before and after executing each step.

Alaanor 11-27-2015 02:15 PM

Ok, thank you for the suggestion. When I've read this, I've just wanted to say, "Guy, how many time do you think I've read this page ? Maybe more than 10..."
And before reply, I read your faqs in your signature, spend more than one hour of reading some subject. That was very interesting. Thank for the sharing.
I will try to be more independent of forums, read more, try more to fix problem by myself.

syg00 11-27-2015 03:21 PM


Originally Posted by Alaanor (Post 5455735)
I've tried other small trick, but nothing work good.

That tells us nothing.
When linking pages, please show the English page. Did you follow the instructions in that page to set the "legacy_boot" attribute for GUID Partition Table ?.

ondoho 11-28-2015 03:50 AM


Originally Posted by Alaanor (Post 5456100)
Ok, thank you for the suggestion. When I've read this, I've just wanted to say, "Guy, how many time do you think I've read this page ? Maybe more than 10..."

well first of all the beginner's guide is more than one page, because quite often you are required to follow links, do what it says there, then return to where you left.

so if you followed the beginner's guide, your original thread should read something like this:

- after executing step N of the beginner's guide, it asked me to do M, but because of P i can't continue to Q.
- please also note that in step J is decided to do K instead of L, because i want it that way.

J-Q are variables. we need the information they contain to be able to help you to solve your problem.

I will try to be more independent of forums, read more, try more to fix problem by myself.
chances are, by the time you provided this information, you will yourself have a much clearer picture of the problem and be able to solve it yourself.


And before reply, I read your faqs in your signature, spend more than one hour of reading some subject. That was very interesting. Thank for the sharing.
thank you, that's nice to hear. not many even bother, or if they do, start spitting venom after reading it. why, i do not know.

Alaanor 11-28-2015 07:35 AM


well first of all the beginner's guide is more than one page
Of course and I've read these. (and more than one time)


so if you followed the beginner's guide, your original thread should read something like this:

- after executing step N of the beginner's guide, it asked me to do M, but because of P i can't continue to Q.
- please also note that in step J is decided to do K instead of L, because i want it that way.
Ho.. I don't know how can I miss the link of a beginner's guide. :(
I've read the installation guide.

Ok, so I will restart from scratch, and retry with the beginner's guide.

But, in anyway there is something I didn't understand:

(From the beginner guide)

In the final example below, separate /boot (100MiB), / (20GiB), swap (4GiB), and /home (all remaining space) partitions will be created:

(parted) mkpart primary ext4 1MiB 100MiB
(parted) set 1 boot on
(parted) mkpart primary ext4 100MiB 20GiB
(parted) mkpart primary linux-swap 20GiB 24GiB
(parted) mkpart primary ext4 24GiB 100%
(And one more time from the beginner guide.)


Here, the installation drive is assumed to be GPT-partioned, and have the EFI System Partition (gdisk type EF00, formatted with FAT32) mounted at /boot.
The partition /boot must be FAT32 or EXT4 formated ?

ondoho 11-28-2015 07:51 AM

^ fat32.
plus what syg00 said.

but from my side, this is 2nd hand knowledge. my computers don't use efi.

Alaanor 11-28-2015 03:51 PM

Thanks. I've learned a lot today about linux (good new :D ).

(Maybe should I create a separated topic)
I have a another problem. As I said, I boot from a USB (live ARCH), my BIOS suggest to me 2 boot:

- UEFI: KingstonDataTraveler 3.0PMAP
- KingstonDataTraveler 3.0PMAP

If I boot on the UEFI option. It's work, it's show me a panel where I can select "Arch Linux archiso x86_64 UEFI CD". But If I select this ... Black screen.
And with the second option, I have a panel too, but with a image and I can properly boot on and get a console.

So I follow the tutorial with the seconds option, and when I must do this command:

[root@archiso /]# bootctl install
Not booted with EFI, skipping EFI variable setup.

ondoho 11-28-2015 04:28 PM


Originally Posted by Alaanor (Post 5456562)
Thanks. I've learned a lot today about linux (good new :D ).

so is this solved now?
if yes, please share your solution, so that others can benefit.

if you have some other problem, please start a new thread.

Alaanor 11-28-2015 04:48 PM

Of course no, do you have read entirely my post ?

I speak about a problem about the installation of a bootloader.

Germany_chris 12-07-2015 07:24 AM


Originally Posted by Alaanor (Post 5456562)
Thanks. I've learned a lot today about linux (good new :D ).

(Maybe should I create a separated topic)
I have a another problem. As I said, I boot from a USB (live ARCH), my BIOS suggest to me 2 boot:

- UEFI: KingstonDataTraveler 3.0PMAP
- KingstonDataTraveler 3.0PMAP

If I boot on the UEFI option. It's work, it's show me a panel where I can select "Arch Linux archiso x86_64 UEFI CD". But If I select this ... Black screen.
And with the second option, I have a panel too, but with a image and I can properly boot on and get a console.

So I follow the tutorial with the seconds option, and when I must do this command:

NVM I'll hold my tongue

Alaanor 12-19-2015 12:24 PM

This topic is resolved. Solution: my computer look like if it's doesn't support UEFI, so I use the most simply config: MSDOS -> only 1 partition, no crypt, and I had installed syslinux. It's work.

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